Mayweather, Pacquiao, who wins?
Mayweather 53.33%
a40rdys, Bandwagon, belfrylover, broncobilly10, davy crockett, gunnar, jumbo_jim, manic street pugilist, Master Yoda, old red rock, pb78, Robot Devil, Roger Patterson, sandals1963, schvall, Scots Napoleon, Snooks, stato, straw man, The Connoisseur, Tractor boy, whopingirth, Whynot, William H Bonney
24 53.33%
Pacquiao 44.44%
7 stars of the orient, bigglesworth, cookiemonster007, Count von Scharnhorst, dani fan, Don Tingley, Ducky, gazecots, george lusk, jampot, Lamarr l 21 l, lancealot790, lovebabes56, marsbar, Pyro, SOCATOA, terence, The Truth, TommyTucker77, Tutankamon
20 44.44%
Draw 2.22%
1 2.22%
Total: 45 votes 100%