Your expectations for tonight's Babestation24 show?
Tonight will be an all-time great show! 0%
0 0%
Tonight will be very good! 5.56%
1 5.56%
Tonight will be okay, nothing special, but also no disappointment! 22.22%
Bonoraff, meisterlampe1989_2.0, peter rock, way out west
4 22.22%
Tonight will be disappointing! 11.11%
ManuelM, perrin
2 11.11%
Tonight will be a disaster! The split screen and camera work are going to kill the show entirely. 22.22%
DDY, Jfzola, ManuelM, XBlackrocker
4 22.22%
Tonight will be a disaster! Artificial censorship is going to kill the show entirely. 16.67%
bazzae123, ManuelM, XBlackrocker
3 16.67%
Tonight will be a disaster! The performances are going to be very weak unfortunately. 0%
0 0%
Tonight will probably be a solo show of some sort! No way three babes will be there. 11.11%
ManuelM, way out west
2 11.11%
None on the babes in my type, personally, to be honest! 0%
0 0%
I have different expectations! (please explain in the thread) 5.56%
1 5.56%
I have no expectation for tonight! 5.56%
1 5.56%
Total: 18 votes 100%