RE: PS3 game recommendations.
Yeah gummidge that is a great way to describe Heavenly Sword, graphics are pretty (when the game came out anyway) but that is the only thing that you could say positive about it, there is a demo of it on the PSN store if you really wanna give it a go. Also MK Vs. DC Universe is a bit meh, I am a huge comic geek (look at the profile picture) and that is why I bought it, I liked Shaolin Monks but not really any of the other MK's. And I was just not really that into it, the game was fine (ish, some of it was just fucking dumb though) but the achievements were just put in the game as a means of prolonging it, and as a rule of thumb using a D-Pad or analogue stick are just not very precise when it comes to fighting games. I liked Soul Calibur 4, that is a solid fighting game, which no doubt you can get for ridiculously cheap now.
Looking on this thread and people being so thrifty, I was a complete dick when I got the PS3 for the amount I paid, I got the 60gb model, HDMI cable, Click on Blu-Ray, Genji: Days of the Blade, Motorstorm and Resistance Fall of Man for £524.99 on release date. I was barely clearing 1k a month as an apprentice then too, can't believe how much of a retard I was lol, I also got an Xbox 360 on day of release with an extra controller, Kameo Elements of Power (great ridiculously underrated game) and Perfect Dark Zero for (I think) about £360 haha. And a Wii with 5 games (Zelda: Twilight Princess, Red Steel, Monster 4x4 World Circuit, GT Pro Series and Wii Sports) and two Wii wheel adaptors for £299.99 IIRC. Man the consoles all fucking raped my bank account. Especially looking at how much all of that stuff could be bought for now, I could probably knock off £400-£500 from the amount I paid to get them on release date.
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