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RE: Miss Makepeace-Daytime Caps and Vids
22-11-2010 23:38 |
Master Poster
Posts: 63,941
Joined: May 2009
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RE: Miss Makepeace-Daytime Caps and Vids
22-11-2010 23:44 |
Master Poster
Posts: 558
Joined: May 2009
Reputation: 31
RE: Miss Makepeace-Daytime Caps and Vids
Fave Daytime babes - Pippa Blonde, Mia, Allison Wilde, Serena May
Fave Nightime babes - Pippa Blonde, Mia, Dannii Harwood, Lynda Leigh, Lexi Lowe, Jennifer Jade, Louise Porter (please return)
Fave M.I.L.Fs - Marlyn Lindsay, Sofia Matthews, Sarah Kelly
Fave Web babes - Jaye Rose, Kloe Kane, Chloe Lovette, Jade Samantha, Kellie, Sophia Delane
23-11-2010 17:56 |
Posts: 1
Joined: Dec 2010
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RE: Miss Makepeace-Daytime Caps and Vids
Hi Everyone,
I was told about this forum and thought I would pop in and say HELLO....
I was so surprised to see so many lovely comments about me.
Wow... I was a little nervous on my first show but after awhile I soon settled down. I think my second show on the Sunday was better.
Anyway just wanted to say a big thank you to you all for all the lovely comments and to a very nice welcome I received while on the show.
Big Kiss
Mia xxxx
10-12-2010 19:02 |