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RE: PO Box Address and Valentines
(06-02-2011 19:37 )iloveMegan Wrote: (06-02-2011 16:47 )StanTheMan Wrote: I wonder how many disillusioned sadsacks will read this and send something in, believeing their 'girlfriend' will immedialtey fall in love with them.
I wonder how many disillusioned sadsacks will watch this and call in, believeing their 'girlfriend' will immedialtey fall in love with them.
I don't call in. Never have, never will.
06-02-2011 20:09 |
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RE: PO Box Address and Valentines
(09-02-2011 15:30 )Amanda J Wrote: Hey guys i'm not feeling the love here!! Valentines day is supposed to promote love not rage hahaha! just a bit of harmless fun, everyone likes recieving a card on valentines day, and I will make sure that anyone who sends me a card will recieve one in return.....after all giving is just as much fun as recieving (ohhhhhhh kinky) xxx
You receive valentines from either a partner or someone who is hoping to be one, one you (hopefully) you know who it is all along.
It's the one time in the year someone with an hidden crush can make their feelings be known and hope the person they are sending it knows who it is.
It's not to expect strangers to buy *cough*send money and gifts*cough* a card, even more money than they do already on phone calls.
That's just shameless commercialism and not fun.
09-02-2011 16:09 |
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RE: PO Box Address and Valentines
i thought you were based in yorkshire so I am a little sceptical of the london postmark 
.....still off to the shops to que up with the other fanboys
09-02-2011 20:26 |
vostok 1
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RE: PO Box Address and Valentines
(06-02-2011 19:37 )iloveMegan Wrote: Being able to send a gift isn't a huge leap from the basic premise of these channels, why does it produce such vitriol?
It crosses a line and changes the dynamic of interaction based on a premium rate telephone transaction. When you pay £1.50pm to talk to a performer (emphasis on the phrase "performer"), both parties, the performer and the caller, have a form of protection, understanding and a boundary to conform to.
Can the performer be sure that the person sending a gift is doing so as an act of pure generosity without expecting this act to make their "relationship" more "real"? If the answer is "no", then soliciting gifts is moving into a dangerous territory.
Take this Twitter timeline as an example. (Names have been removed, the Babe Show girls tweets in pink)
Bye bye carbs, chocolate, most dairy and everything I love
A fan, who has recently sent a £150 box of chocolates, tweets:
"what u gonna do when u get my chocolates? hope there was"nt a waste of money?xx"
arrrgh ------ just relax i will still eat your chocoltes
babe im relaxed if i knew u was going on a diet i would have got u something else.xx
are u and me ok?
i'll take that as a no.
Its true what they say nice guys do come last well when it comes 2 certain people anyway.
(The Babe Show girl explains that a number of items from the PO Box have "gone missing")
sorry about the other day thanx 4 being understanding look foward to chatting 2 u soon have a good show teddy bear.xx
(After several tweets it is established the the gift has been found and it is "lovely")
thank u 4 the reply glad we got things sorted out u know i care about u xx Anyway have a good day at ur grans tomorrow teddybear ...
(The Babe Show girl, obviously disturbed by his pestering then blocks him on twitter):
ive got woman trouble.
thats the thing shes not talking to me and wont tell me why.
I dont care about some people anymore im gonna treat u the way u treat me with ignorance.
Why is when ur nice 2 some people they take u for granted?
why have u blocked me babe?
for some reason ------ has blocked me?
why have u blocked me? I will care about u teddy bear.x
whatevers happened i do care about u.
Just sent ----- a card/letter to say sorry i really hope she accepts it?
now i know what ----- is like she can fuck off and die.
fuck ur parking space u bitch an fuck the pervets an paedaphilles who waste their money on u.
theirs people starving in the world all u care about is ur self u whoore.x
----- is not a good girl if only u could c through her lies.
she cant hide 4 ever she does not like her fans i will find her trust me.
----- is gonna get what the slag deserves.
(It was mentioned that the Police were now involved.)
Would this clearly unstable man have made these threats if his "relationship" was confined to a telephone fantasy? Or did the soliciting for gifts make his disturbed mind think there was something more? As I said before: Can the Babe Show performer be sure that the person sending a gift is doing so as an act of pure generosity without expecting this act to make their "relationship" more "real"? If the answer is "no", then soliciting gifts is moving into a dangerous territory.
(This post was last modified: 10-02-2011 03:42 by vostok 1.)
10-02-2011 03:37 |