A couple of weeks ago, I noticed that the Imagehost I had used for a few months this year (ImageSocket) had suddenly gone pear shaped.
I e-mailed them, but got no response. I mentioned on twitter that hundreds of my caps had basically vanished, but that I still had most of them on my Hard Drive.
Anyway.... I asked
Sm© if it would be okay for me to upload these caps to TVGirlsGallery, and PM him which caps go in which posts, so that he could then edit those posts. He acquiesced.
120 or so PM's later, and they have been replaced. 3 posts were deleted, as I hadn't kept those caps, but otherwise all went well.
So, I wanted to say a
big massive Thank You to
Sm© for going through all of those PMs, and doing editing and stuff, without the slightest grumble or complaint.
I must also say a big
Thank You to Admin, who performed a similar favour earlier today.
We didn't necessarily
need to edit those posts, but it seemed a shame to just lose them from the forum due to the Imagehost fucking up.
....Hopefully, if anyone happens to trawl through certain BSDaytime threads, they won't notice anything different.