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RE: Euphemisms.
The last part (4),
plant your seed
play doctor
play in and out
play on the hair court
play pickle me/ tickle me
plug and play
plug the hole
poke in the whiskers
polish the porpose
pop the cork
probe the membrane
put sour cream on the burrito
put sour cream on the taco
put the snake in the cave
put the snake in the grease
ride the baloney pony
ride the hobby horse
ride the skin bus into tuna town
ride the wild bull
roll in the hay
ring her bell
rumple the foreskin
scratch your itch
service the clam
sink it in
sink the sub
skin the cat
slap bellies
slime the banana
smash pissers
sow wild oats
spank the cat
spear the bearded clam
stab the trout
storm the trenches
stuff the beaver
stuff the taco
sweep the chimney
take “old one-eye” to the optomotrist
the hole smash
thread the needle
throw a log on the fire
tickle her belly from the inside
two-person pushups
vulcanize the whoopee stick
walk the dog
water the lawn
wet the wick
These lists made me chuckle, I hope you get a giggle out of them
Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit.
Tha thu 'nad fhaighean.
(This post was last modified: 07-02-2009 12:54 by skully.)
06-02-2009 17:36 |