Yeah, it's the 'Exclusive' live webstream, from noon to about 8pm UK time. Or middle of the night my time, so any more caps Rrroger can post I would greatly appreciate!
I hope this extra webshow will help ETV to loosen up a bit. Apart from the full-frontal nudity, the ETV nightshows rarely have the same filthiness as the UK nightshows – the atmosphere's usually tamer, there's less gyrating, open legs, or simulated sex. Whereas in the UK, everyone knows what the callers want to talk about, and the girls (at least on a good day) do as much as is allowed to get them off. I'm not saying the UK channels are brilliant, but they do have some advantages. Also they don't change cameras every 20 seconds!
ETV doesn't seem to have that
expectation to be dirty – apart from a few individual girls who take it into their own hands. This week Mishell started getting more "hardcore" requests for strips on the webshow, and talked about how horny she was, which seems like a step in the right direction!
She's doing a show this Wednesday with Angelina, who likes to get dirty with other girls, so hopefully that'll be good!