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Lost password help

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skully Offline

Posts: 52,744
Joined: Jul 2008
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Post: #1
Lost password help
We have had a few people setting up new accounts due to losing their password, in these cases, we will merge the new account with the old one (so you have access to your posts and messages), but keep your new password.

This can be avoided by following these simple steps...using our Lost Password? option.

First, click on login.
[Image: image-779A_59492EBD.jpg]
Second, click on Lost Password?.
[Image: image-7694_59492EBD.jpg]
Finally, enter your email address and click on Request Login Credentials.
[Image: image-ECE1_59492EBD.jpg]
You will receive an email and have everything you need to use your account.

Remember to change your password regularly, if you are forgetful, jot it down somewhere safe.

Also remember that we don't allow multiple accounts, so if you do forget your password, create a new account and start posting, let us know, your honesty will be appreciated and we will merge new with old.
If we find two or more accounts that match and we haven't been contacted, we see this as being dishonest, this will likely lead to us either closing or banning accounts. To avoid it, get in touch with one of us.

If you have previously requested your account to be closed and wish to return, don't create a new account, do the following.

Scroll down the page and look at the bottom of the box with the board statistics.
Click on forum team.
[Image: image-8577_59492EBD.jpg]
You will see us listed, there you can email admin to make the request.
[Image: image-49B6_59492EBD.jpg]

Finally, banned members may not create new accounts, we will find them and we will ban them.


Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit.
Tha thu 'nad fhaighean.
20-06-2017 14:31
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