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Your First Cap ?

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Paulie69 Offline
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Post: #11
RE: Your First Cap ?
My very first cap Smile

[Image: image-937A_4FA82EBF.jpg]

Most of my Babestation caps were stored in Photobucket, before they deleted my account and thus disappeared from the forum. (Thanks mods for the cleanup job!)

As for my favourite cap, it was taken from a mobile phone (Didn't get home from work in time to cap her from the webstream), of poor quality and oddly enough it's one i never posted, and shows Anastasia HeartHeart in the other outfit i bought her Big Grin

[Image: image-54B6_4FA82EBF.jpg]
07-05-2012 20:28
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lucent-x Offline
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Post: #12
RE: Your First Cap ?
My first cap 11/04/2010 of Denise Davies...

[Image: dd1412.jpg]

The one that started off my caps collections and led me down the road of creative capping was Cherry...

[Image: ch_12042010_0927.jpg]

Favourite cap? Sugar - already posted a few times so I won't repost it again.
Instead here's a subsequent top 5 (in alphabetical order) Charmaine Sinclair, Kiran Khan, Michelle Moist, Tamara and Tiffany Kingston...

[Image: cs_favecap.jpg][Image: kk_favecap.jpg][Image: mm_favecap.jpg][Image: ht_favecap.jpg][Image: tk_favecap.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 07-05-2012 20:34 by lucent-x.)
07-05-2012 20:33
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Rise Offline
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Post: #13
RE: Your First Cap ?
My first cap was Tiffany in her elite phase back in 2009

[Image: tiffwiggle_1.jpg]

As for favourites, I seem to have been most inspired on the Danica thread 2010/11. If I got hit by a tram tomorrow I suppose I'm happiest to be judged by contributions to that thread.

Maybe this cap from this set

[Image: danica_july_16__rise_11.jpg]
09-05-2012 18:57
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skateguy Offline
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Post: #14
RE: Your First Cap ?
The first cap I posted was of Hazel from back in 2008 when she was on Bang Babes. As for a favourite cap, I wouldn't have a clue.

[Image: hazel_flash.jpg]

Flash the Gash...... ......Encrypted Shows...... ......Knickerless Daytime Clips...... ......Hotbox XXX...... ......Mic Left On Clips
09-05-2012 19:32
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oklahoma001 Offline
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Post: #15
RE: Your First Cap ?
First cap was of Tori back in January when RLC was still using the lowquality streams. Luckily they upgraded just a few weeks later. As for my favourite cap, I couldnt make up my mind.Wink

[Image: image-EA43_4F0FE37A.jpg]
09-05-2012 19:36
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thefred Offline
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Post: #16
RE: Your First Cap ?
My first cap posted on the 4th January 2012. Siobhan's great, isn't she? Smile

[Image: 375a22189370739.jpg]
09-05-2012 19:44
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cmiller Offline
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Post: #17
RE: Your First Cap ?
both these were posted to Funny Babeshow Screencaps

my first ever cap - Charlie's Angels: Masti Nights
[Image: image-47F0_4F4BD51D.jpg]

there are a couple of caps of Jennifer Jade that i posted recently that i like, but i have selected my second ever cap as my favourite - Daryl does the alphabet
[Image: image-1987_4F4F8797.jpg]
10-05-2012 00:31
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Post: #18
RE: Your First Cap ?
My first one was an awful, bleached cap of Lianne & Roxy from the early days of Babeworld TV...

[Image: image-235D_4FAB10F4.jpg]

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10-05-2012 00:58
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Cpe Away
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Post: #19
RE: Your First Cap ?
My first cap (10-months ago), which would be allowed lol, was of the gorgeous Sammi-Jo

[Image: image-323D_4E1DF481.jpg]

It's so difficult to choose a particular favourite and this might come as a surprise, but I'll go with this one back in Sept '11 of the lovely Rachel Louise.

[Image: image-8099_4FAB6B97.jpg]

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10-05-2012 07:23
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skully Offline

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Post: #20
RE: Your First Cap ?

Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit.
Tha thu 'nad fhaighean.
10-05-2012 16:13
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