perana68 Wrote:I would if I knew how, I'm a bit retarded technically. Even after reading the tech stuff threads I'm still at a loss. If anyone has a non techie language, idiots guide to what to do getting sky+ onto the forum I'd be grateful for a PM explaining TA
For me it would be a two-step process.
Firstly, I can copy programmes recorded on Sky+ to video or DVD (I have a DVD/VCR combo player).
Secondly, I installed software on my laptop which enables me to copy the above programmes from video or DVD to my hard-drive and edit them, as long as I've got the correct cables to connect my VCR/DVD to my laptop.
I've done both steps separately, but I only copied video from an old VCR to and old laptop a few years ago, so I don't know how successful I would be with my current equipment.
With regard to the first step above, if you already have your VCR or DVD properly connected to your TV and Sky+ box, it is easy to follow the instructions in your Sky+ manual to copy programmes onto DVD or video. Make sure your cables are connected properly and one of the channels on your VCR or DVD recorder is tuned into your Sky+ box.
To transfer programmes from VCR/DVD to HDD, you will need some software installed on your computer and suitable cables to transmit audio/video from the VCR/DVD to the computer. I'm sure you can find something at an electronics store or on the Internet, if you don't already have it. Other forum members will probably be able to recommend something useful to you.
I think limpwrist has already posted some user guides to uploading videos and screencaps onto the Internet and this forum.
I know is this off-topic in this thread and you asked for a PM, but other members might also find this useful, so I'm posting this out in the open for all to see.
Good luck mate.