(23-04-2013 19:05 )munch1917 Wrote: Are you for real 
The man can't even help himself, what qualifies him to try helping anyone else? He's a thief and a fraud. He fraudulently stole thousands of pounds worth of service from vodafone knowing full well he had no ability to pay it back. If this had been cold hard cash stolen from a bank or suchlike, he'd be locked up by now.
I'm seriously wondering who is the more deluded here, our Kev, or you for coming here posting this nonsense and sticking up for him like this.
Excuse me, did I say that I think his idea was a good one? Did I say that he is qualified to operate such a foundation? I mentioned what he had said publicly, that he intends to set up such an organisation.
And "sticking up for him"? No. You claim he is a thief and a fraud, perhaps he is in many peoples eyes. My initial post is that this thread should also be deleted on those grounds, but of course that would spoil your fun with dishing out insults.
And I believe you are the one who likes to roll out the phrase
"Get on with your own life". I believe
Kev is doing just that. I wont suggest that you do the same.
(23-04-2013 19:35 )way out west Wrote: i am doubtful of kev's credentials for carrying out his chosen mission, as i fear that treatment for phone sex addiction would be extremely difficult or impossible to achieve without experienced professional help.
phone sex addiction can no doubt be effectively treated with the same techniques used to treat other behavioral addictions and chemical dependency, but successful recovery requires rehabilitation of the mind from the psychological effects of the gripping disease. neural pathways in the brain are chemically rewired by any form of addiction and must inevitably be reprogrammed through appropriate therapeutic techniques.
I'm not sure the addiction was to "phone sex", rather his perceived "connection" to the girls that he primarily called on the day shows.
He was obviously in need of recognition and attention, he needed for his voice to be heard. He chose to ignore the reality of the situation, that the girl on screen is purely a gateway to a commercial transaction.
By ignoring this harsh reality, that the person interacting with you has no desire to interact with you outside a "pay wall", he also chose to ignore the mounting phone bill that was stacking up.
Someone who chooses to ignore the consequences of repetitive action is clearly an addict.
Kev became addicted.
When you choose to confront your addiction you become like a prize fighter, you stand in the opposite corner to your opponent, you constantly have to duck and weave, never let you guard down.
Kev is fortunate in that he has seen the true face of his opponent, that it is ugly, far too repugnant to even step into the "ring" with. The "real world" came knocking. And he answered the door.
(23-04-2013 19:22 )KRISB Wrote: "He is in the process of setting up a foundation to help like-minded individuals break away from the hold and life dominance of the Babe Shows"
Wankaholics Anonymous 
Not so much the "wanking", that has clear benefits to ones health.
It would be catered towards the people who dedicate their entire existence to "the girls".