In all honesty I think the S66 v BS and whose better debate is a bit of a false choice. The reality to my mind is they are both blighted equally by varying factors, some identical and some not.
The biggest issue facing S66 in terms of visual stimulation is camerawork both in terms of quality and indeed quantity. Too often the camera appears fixed in one position. The suspicion is that this occurs through limited camera operators. If the camera is position fixed then movement inevitably is compromised so the babe performance also suffers. The caller cannot get what in theory they might want at a cost that is vastly excessive. Pervcam does not help matters either and is a further restricting factor.
In theory S66 has better quality of set.
But............ too often the set used is a boredom inducing, laziness inducing, channel change inducing bed set.
So although the set quality overall is better than BS the willingness to use the right sets already held is not there.
A two time Ultimate Babe no less i.e Clare spends the majority of her time on a bed which is utterly self defeating and prompts my immediate switch over.
The sad thing about that is that I love Clare. I don't love what her shows have too regularly become.
S66 and it's babes have the power and capacity to generate some spectacular shows but evidently CHOOSE not to do so. They are all culpable.
The lighting is not great on occasion but I have often thought the same about BS. To my mind the difference is virtually negligible.
BS has a partially different set of issues.
Woefully poor variety of set. Drab, tired and manky.
Overall the sets are lacking in any character and too often stifle creativity and imagination.
A bit of oil here or there combined with a few interesting outfit choices can sometimes change things up so the willingness to try and visually stimulate seems a little stronger than S66 (Lola aside). But it is willingness at a cost.
The amount of call gimmicks at BS are a demotivating factor for me to call.
I don't want endless 2 minute challenges or listen in lines. I want to get through and talk filth for longer than 120 seconds. Call me if you think you can last 2 minutes guys.
I don't think I can. I know I bloody can.
I have been doing it for long enough FFS. 9 years to be precise

When I call I set about making something interesting happen. Almost to the point of a foolish pride when generating the desired result.
Maybe others feel the same way, I hope they do. BS seem obsessed with pervcam and blurredcam so their camerawork for the conventional TV viewer is inherently compromised. Their priority seems far more overtly screwing as much money as possible out of as many people as possible through as many gimmicks as possible. Where the overt S66 choice is to be dull, boring and lazy the BS choice is to be greedy, unimaginative and sterile.
In terms of my personal call experiences both BS and S66 have been at fault.
On numerous calls to BS I have been told 'your session has now ended' even though I have got nowhere near timing out. This is swiftly followed by an on screen message confirming a call mode change, usually to a 2 minute challenge.
When calling S66 I have often been sent back to the menu system in mid flow or had music begin to play at me instead of babe conversing in mid call.
Presumably technical glitches

So calls to one channel are ruined by gimmick based greed while calls to the other are ruined by ineffective phone systems.
Either way I lose

Ultimately we are left in a situation where the whole thing becomes a babe popularity contest of a rather subjective order.
Which babe can best defy the weaknesses of their own channel to the best extent. Either by virtue of energy, outfit choice, eroticism, believability or even something as noble as participating on this very forum.
The nightshows to me face a continuing slowest of slow deaths.
Occasional glimpses of what is possible from babes determined to try and push a boundary or two while the channels do their best to strangle the life out of every stint going.
And what televisual alternative is there?

. Do I really need to say anything about that? I think not

The whole situation is a sorry, sorry mess.
The only winners in all of this appear to be pervcam, gimmicks and only fans.
Meanwhile the temptation for me to stick two fingers up to it all and just go to bed at a respectable hour every night forever grows
