Hello lovelys,
Back tomorrow daytime (Friday 1-9pm).. Also sat and sun daytime
I'm booked on a nightshow 1st July..
I know you have been waiting for a comment. it wouldn't have been professional to comment until now. Both comp
anies concerned have been nothing but fantastic trying to help me with regards to shifts. There is no underlying drama or poaching, my total respect goes to 2 great comp
anies who have been patient and very kind. RLC have bent over backwards to accommodate me, which I am very grateful for, as I've said before they are great to work for.
As for comments made this past few days..
Fair play, I totally accept I'm not everyone's cup of tea, I doubt most of you are mine?!.. Lol.. At the end of the day, when I'm at work I try to listen and focus on my phone chat, (theyre the ones paying my wages) jumping around the set makes it harder to hear and respond to my callers. Most callers find it annoying if you're constantly asking "sorry babe what was that?" or just simply mo
aning because you're too busy checking if you look ok and aren't 'hanging out' in shot (yes, even I'll hold my hand high and admit over the years I'm guilty of the occasional what I call 'hump and grunt'!!) Plus, the fact that my fan base generally ask for my face and naked ass (let's face it, Im a curvy girl, I don't have big boobs or long legs but I do have a big ass and smile!) I can't move too much when naked because of the rules, and as soon as i whip my thong off u can see my camera man sweating..

If my caller wants me in a position as long as I can do it and I have a camera man to follow me I will. But, as soon as I get up they ask for my ass again?!?!.. It's a strange one, when I'm in that position my calls come flooding in so that's the real reason I do it!
The rules constantly change but at monitored times we're not always allowed to position our crotch or behind direct to camera, it has to be side on.. Or instead of my tiny thongs I'll have to wear 2pairs of pants pfffffffffff... It is just as frustrating for the girls!
The camera men at RLC are only just getting to know me, and trust me when i start going naked. There is a great set selection, give me time, I've only done 1 night shift and 2 2for 1's. At Babeworld I'd worked with the same camera men for years and had a good spacial awareness, they knew how I moved so when I got naked, cracked open the oil they knew what angles we could push it to. TVX liked me to ditch the thongs and do, well... Not a lot.. But, eventually allowed me to go naked as long as I didn't move to much, which was progress on the pants they usually insisted we wore.
I'm not making excuses in any way, just explaining a few problems that the babes face. When the rules become tough I think making my callers feel special is worth so much more than pleasing people who 'just watch'. it's surprising how many callers tell me they call me because they feel they have my attention, I try to remember my callers, that's what they like, the genuine personal touch rather than just a visual performance.
As for being compared to Dannii O'Neill, I'm quite frankly honoured, she's definitely doing something right, she's Babestations first lady!?!
Anyway I'm happy for all comments good or bad.. Funnily enough even bad comments show you care, if you really didn't you 'wouldn't be arsed' commenting
It does however annoy me when people make comments about me not caring, most people know I actually care more than possibly any other babe. I don't broadcast how passionate i am about my job, I just get great satisfaction working along side people who appreciate it. At Babeworld I spent a lot of unpaid time and my personal money making the sets and lighting better. If i didnt change it, nobody else would.. You may not agree but visually I believe Babeworld was at it's best the last few months before its original takeover. If I'd have had a budget I could have done so much more.. A few of you already know I also built the stable set, alley and White honeytv set at TVX. (and yes when i say 'i' built, it was me alone, a ladder, staple gun, hammer and a few sourced materials and props.. Maybe filming me doing DIY would make for a better performance?!

The sets may not be to all of your taste I'm sure, but, my point being I did it all off my own back in my own time to help the show. I wouldn't intentionally give so much time to only fault on my performance.. But hey, after so many years of tv, I can see how I may be boring
I'm looking forward to being back at 1pm.. Bought a new sparkly dress especially

Big Kisses x