(09-02-2012 13:26 )eagle_si Wrote: The girls do come on here and read the comments. I know because Rachel (even though she’s officially not been on here since May last year) sent me a thank you on Twitter for a post I made in her thread. You know, the one where I responded to your malicious comments about her boob job. So it’s got nothing to do with not wanting to read disparaging comments, more a case of those comments not being worth replying to because they’re from people like you who don’t know them, never call but still feel it’s okay to groundlessly accuse them of stuff such as them fucking away like rabbits at work every time they get an opportunity.
If the girls get treated on here with respect, then they’ll come on here and interact and post. Lolly’s been doing that, and it’s a very welcome sign. I hope she’s still joining in six months from now.
When did I say they screw like rabbits every time they get an opportunity? My logo thread is just for fun because the logos only started to pop up in the last month or so, sometimes looking a bit suspicious and we never get an explanation for it. That makes it look a bit odd to me. They never used to do this, and it's obviously not just for tech reasons, as we can see from some of the sessions when it pops up after a woman makes a face or reacts to something. Why cut to it if there's nothing to hide? We've seen the crew and the women goof around all the time, and the logo never pops up, so why now if we can't actually see what the women are looking at? Something isn't adding up, and none of the explanations from others here seem to be the case either, as we've covered them all. Do I really care? Of course not, but it interests me to see what members like you think about it.
Obviously they don't screw like rabbits every time they get a chance like you assume I think they do, but I'm not naive, and I think sexual activity likely goes on there at times. It's not disrespectful to suggest that some things take place there, because there's nothing wrong with hooking up with someone you are attracted to. I don't mean out in the open infront of the others, but in private (That place is like a big apartment) Some of the crew members even work on the website, and have shot videos where the women are fooling around with them. No sex or anything explicit is shown, but ass slapping, grinding, BJ simulations, crawling nude ontop of them are frequent, so why couldn't that happen during a session break at the studio if two people were hot for each other??? You're telling me Afroman or any other crew member who has some play with a woman in the videos isn't going to do the same when a woman leaves a set if she's up for it? We've seen some of that before before in the past (Ass slapping, boob grabbing, Danica fun with the cameraman) so that seems pretty sexual to me, but not to you I guess

. Where do they draw the line? Is this your thinking below?
Things that are OK for the crew to do at the studio:
Boob grabbing
Ass slapping
Putting food on ass
Having a woman sit on you and grind, or grind up against your crotch (yep, it's happened in some early sessions)
BJ Simulations (Looking at you Tiff. Her's seemed faked despite being out of frame, and she seems to tell the guy to put it away near the end, as if he really got it out then)
Not allowed at the studio:
Sex, not even in the bathroom when people are on their breaks. No exceptions!!!! Death to anyone who disobeys me!!!!!!!
BJ's. NEVER!!!!! Death to anyone who does this!!!!!!!!!
Be honest now Eagle, If you were a cameraman there, and were comfy with the women and someone wanted to take you to the bathroom during both of your breaks (When a woman is done with a session and goes on her break, the cameramen likely do as well), you're telling me you'd be completely surprised and would say no??? Please.
I apologise for my comment about Rachel, but it pains me to see women get implants when they have perfect bodies. I know it's their choice, but I sometimes can't understand their thinking, and I tend to react a bit rudely. Sorry.