danica does have a lot of appeal.
thing is she isnt living up to her own standards and that pisses off the fans because as aston says, she can do it a lot better.
rise and others that have never called her, or at least im assuming they havent. because if they had they would know that she is just ok on the phones, and have only seen a few of her shows. yet feel they can tell any 1 and every 1 that there opinions mean squat...
for a start
danica is on 3-4 times a month? she doesnt do it every night so comparing her to girls that do it every night isnt exactly a fair comparison now is it...
also he seems to selectively editing... check all the elite girls threads you will see that they all have had criticism. so thats 2-0. so here we go for 3 and out...
danica has done more 2-4-1's with dionne than any other girl they have all been poor so calling it a production faux pas isnt exactly correct. faux pas implies a mistake/a step in the wrong direction.
4 times they have been on together and 4 times it has been an epic fail.
now if you ran over yer dads foot in a car 4 times would he think your doing it on purpose or was it faux pas.
the whole thing boils down to guys claiming a poor show was a good show. when all the evidence and general consensus points to the former...
then they label the guys who dare say it didnt live up to expectation, moaners.
well i guess its better to be a moaner than a rose tinted spectacle wearing fuckwitt.
oops! did i just call him a name? ah! well whats good for the goose and all that....
(13-05-2011 18:07 )Cpe Wrote: In a concerted effort to get the thread back on track, I think most folk agree that Danica's performance the other night was poor.
I for one use to be a fanboy, back in the days when she pushed the boundaries herself with a sneaky slip here & there. It really was great stuff, but now just to lounge there statuesque leaves nothing much for the viewers, cappers or vid makers. Yes she's busy on the phones (which ultimately she's there for I know), but she can do that equally as well on daytime tv.
I yearn for the old "Night-Time" Danica to return coz she made terrific viewing and she fully deserved being crowned The Queen of Elite.
yep she was busy on the phones but if you watched you would see that the calls were many, meaning guys were either very premature or they were hanging up when they weren't getting what they hoped for.
on a good night its hard to get through and you still have little chance of getting to chat because the guy shes talking to will try to stay on the line as long as possible.... no so last show.