Allow me Rammy to try to explain things in a relatively mellow and calm way for you

I cannot comment on whether what I say below may or may not be intentional or not on your part, only you can know that deep down but here goes.
The style of your posting is perceived as noticeably different in respect of each babe depending on which channel they happen to be on at the time.
The theory goes that preconditions seem to be applied permanently by yourself about babe moves to certain channels and yet not applied in moves to other channels without ever taking into account that the culture of each channel and standards of each channel vary to an ever more volatile degree.
By definition babes will automatically be judged better in certain environments due to preconception.
The weight of post concept though is another issue and if anything a more challenging one because it has some factual information in terms of posts about each babe made while on different channels. So if you will forgive me Rammy I would gently suggest to you the following.
If there is a huge discrepancy in post counts for a babe or number of babes according to what channel they are on and the anticipation and excitement level is markedly different according to what channel they are on it is inevitable that the 'Why' question will be posed

People are bound to say things such as
How come he hardly ever commented on babe A when she was at channel J but as soon as she went to channel Q the post count was huge and all in praise?
Or indeed the reverse way around

There will be those who might even pick up on the nature of comments made.
Are babes only entertaining on the mic at certain channels?
In its own right I actually don't give two hoots about this question as I want some visual sexual stimulation.
The extent of comedic genius is the least of my concerns where nightshows are concerned.
But the underlying concern relevant to your contributions may allow it to become a side issue of considerable distraction.
Maybe this is because everybody is so bored of the current output there is a need felt to argue the toss about something like this instead but nonetheless such a question is set amongst the idea of bias like it or not.
If you are happy in your own mind that your sense of balance and perspective is right and proper Rammy I would say to you that you have nothing to worry about or answer to or for.
I can speak for myself about my own posts by saying thus.
There have been many times when I have questioned my own integrity, sense of balance and fairness of opinions that I have expressed throughout my time on this forum.
I regret some of the things I have said not least because I allowed my heart to rule over my head.
But that aside I know deep down that I have always tried to be objective and constructive.
If anyone were ever to cast doubt on that I would know I could look long and hard in the mirror and know that doubt was without foundation. Therefore even though I might respond initially there would come a point where I would feel the need to do so no longer.
If you are in no doubt that your balance and objectivity is beyond doubt then maybe to say it best is to say nothing at all.