(20-01-2017 21:21 )skully Wrote: There's certainly nothing wrong with being proud of your country, as long as you don't try to make out that it's being overrun with immigrants, migrants etc, etc, as in nearly every case, it's utter nonsense and used to push racist agendas.
His America probably does include all races, but he has used peoples heritage against them before...which is racist.
Putting your country first is great (charity begins at home and all that), provided that your country and your policies are inclusive to everyone that lives in and visits. He's made comments that aren't exactly giving off that vibe. Added to that, his comments about NATO are worrying, no country can solely focus on itself...unless you're talking North Korea that is.
A think tank had a list of things to cut/change to make savings, so you never know what they've come up with to cost cut abroad. I can't imagine it being great for the world if they start withdrawing troops, aid and support from various places.
Course the irony is, he's the son of an imigrant himself. Certainly imigration was getting out of hand in the UK and needed controling. Who knows in America, I suppose you have to live there to see the real affects, but then, it's pretty much completely an imigrant nation, and it's a huge place with only 6 times the amount of population than the UK has, you'd think imigration and race or mix of people simply wouldn't be a problem, or room to fit new people, yet it seems worse there than any were; even without trumps help. You only got to look at that inaugaration, token black to swear in the vice
president, other than that a sea of white (although the camera did mange to find a sikh in the audiance) and no religious prayers except christian and one Jew.
The other irony of course is the troubles in the middle east and ISIS are a direct result of western troops messing around in there, what anybody wants to say, was about oil - who'd have thought Sadam Hussein was a stabalizing influence in the country. People didn't want any wars in the middle east to start with, would be a turn up if they cause the problem and then left others to clean up the shit hole they made. Personally, I think his hands are tied, US is too mixed up in those countries now and pretty much have to stay there.
Honestly though, I think all this mind changing he does is a realisation that life isn't going to be that easy and there there are somethings he promised to deliver which he simply can't deliver, after all he really isn't a politician but a business man.
He might be able to prioritise the US but there is no way he could neglect, let alone abandon, US commitments abroad, inclusing NATO.
Wouldn't suprise me if he ended up being a puppet
president being massively out of hhis league.