(02-02-2017 20:39 )terence Wrote: your veiled right wing bullshit is plain to see for everyone.
just be up front with your views, people will respect you more for it.
In the same way you are wrong about me and Brexit, you are wrong here.
Show me were I have agreed with anything Trump has said, quite the oppsite in fact.
I just don't get hysterical about these things.
He is very unusual, he sounds reasonable in interviews and talks a lot of sense when you ACTUALLY LISTEN to him, then there is this extremist side that everybody is up in arms about. Lets face it, they didn't want him
president and they didn't want brexit, they didn't get the out come they wanted, and like with brexit, people are kicking up a damn stink because they didn't get their own way and hiding behind a spurious moral out rage.
Unlike you extremist who just think everything about him and Brexit is bad, I'm trying to work out what he REALLY is.
You people just ignore both the positive things he has said and turned a blind eye to what other
presidents have done that he is only doing and extending.
I posted a link on here where he clearly states that islamophobia is bad, the extension of the Mexican Wall is just that, extending what's already there, like wise with the suspension of certain majority Muslim countries, he's just taking it to it's nth degree, some might say a natural conclusion of what other
presidents started (or at least water it down and make excuses for them).
What is it? If you build a little wall and have little restrictions that's ok? but finnishing the job off is not? Even though it's exactly the same principle behind it?
You people, like with Brexit, like with my post, only read what you want to to fit your own prejudice beliefs. As far as you are concerned I'm a right wing brexit, i'm neither, and I could find post after post to support my claim but it still wouldn't matter because you have made your mind up, like you have on leaving the EU and like you have on Trump.
For all the propaganda about Trump and the virtual mass hysteria against him becoming
president, the thing I'm found most ominous is him sacking that woman who challanged him, that was very concerning. That said, a
president is only a
president as long as the military and law enforcers are behind that
president; and I'm pretty sure they just can't do exactly as they wont.
Apart from that, even if some was on here a frothing at the mouth supporter of every little last thing he has said, they would have EVERY right to state those things without a pack attacking them. I was looking that that silly Shia Lebouf or what ever the hell is name is, attacking that puney bloke at one of those marches, seriously, like he didn't have the right to counter protest or something.