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RE: US Election & Presidency
I first saw the clip of Elon when my mate sent it to me & I replied to him that either him or the alt right would pass it off as the Roman salute. Then not long after that I saw a headline in The Telegraph: Elon Musk makes Roman Salute to Trump supporters.
I think Elon is doing this almost as a wind up to the liberal political class because they will easily take the bait. Steve Bannon has a strategy that encapsulates Trump & all his craziness, flood the zone. Do so much, whip up hysteria amongst the establishment elite that it becomes too much for people to keep track of, people are too busy living their lives than have to read a comment piece or watch a round table on CNN of people losing their shit over every little thing Trump & now Elon is doing.
One thing that Trump understands better than just about anyone and certainly better than the Dems & political class is crontroversy is attention and attention is power. As the old saying goes, there is no such thing as bad publicity, although P Diddy might contest that.
I think they should just ignore this, one of the reasons Obama and Harris did not speak about their race and gender in their campaign was because voters have eyes, they know about their own country's history, they get taught it at school, everyone knows about slavery, segregation, Martin Luther King & civil rights, they could see the historic nature of it for themselves & did not need 2 trillion opinion pieces from left wingers to tell them that.
People can see what Elon is doing & make a judgement for themselves there was a poll from WSJ that showed that voters were initiall split even on their opinion on Musk but recently his approval is now at -11 and I imagine that will only get worse now.
The Dems need to get their shit together, Trump is acting like he won a Reagan style landslide & the Dems are acting like they believe it, not only did he not even get to 50% in the popular vote but despite clean sweeping the battleground states he won them all by a slim margin. His win was like Starmers, wide but shallow. They can't spend the next four yrs rerunning the 2024 election and focus on the midterms and 2028
If i could find a girl that had the looks of Gal Gadot, breasts of Sophie Mudd with Demi Rose's ass, the personality of Jessica Ennis, the grace of Kendall Jenner on the red carpet and then behind closed doors the raw sexual energy of Nicole Snow i'd know i was dead and gone to heaven, so i'll just take Demi Rose's ass and Nicole's sexual energy
21-01-2025 13:37 |