(20-08-2010 21:03 )SammiePennington Wrote: Well hello everyone and thank you for this constructive feedback, I literally cannot believe the antipathy that my ‘night-show’ appearance has created..... dear dear me!!!!!!
I thank the lord that Country Boy + Beller have put up at least some resistance to this school girl bickering that I have just read, it is quite eye opening to see that everyone is more keen for me to get my boobs out than put on a show and keep it interesting. I am sure if I got my boobs out in the first hour you would all be complaining that it was ‘boring’ and ‘the same as everyone else’, but there we go we are all entitled to our opinions and it has been duly noted (nice and constructive as I would have expected).
To those who were complimentary I am very grateful and hopefully you will enjoy the odd night show I do and the people who don’t like it can flick over to another channel and enjoy the girls elsewhere. It is easy to criticise about being a dominatrix when you don’t take the time to ring in but at the end of the day it is a costume, I am sure people judge you by the clothes you wear but spunk stains on your Y-fronts don’t make you a bad person either (what are you, 8?).
As for boycotting my shows!!!!!! that is a little bit childish don’t you think? I am sure you all walked out of ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’ because Jim Carrey wasn’t funny and I bet you thought Blade Runner was going to be ‘The Next Star Wars’ as well. Open your minds... I am the Baise Moi of babe channel night shows, style and substance
That is a joke by the way, stop being so square!
My boobs were out!!!! There are pictures on the forums you nugget. So what if I didn’t leave them out long enough for you to get your rocks off.... my apologies.... I am sure we will build up to that in time but as to bowing to pressure from grumpy little boys who want to get their own way and stamp their feet until they get it, I don’t think so. If you are so desperate to see them then just get any of the billion page 3’s I have done and just tape it over the screen when I’m on because you will get the same interaction from it as you will from just watching.
This business is about teasing and leaving people wanting more, not blowing it all in the first hour and wondering where you all went because someone else is playing the tease game.
For the people who called I hope you weren’t disappointed because I certainly wasn’t with you, for the people who just like to watch...... what can I say, I am not here to bow to your wants and needs, this is a democracy with phoning votes not people smudging their faces up against the TV hoping for a freebie.
For those who aren't boycotting and are willing to call up tomorrow and talk about the naughtiness of the night show, I will see you tomorrow.
Every so often, I wonder why I waste so much time and energy posting on here, after all it doesn't pay well but once in a while something happens on here, a great piece of humour, a fantastic video or cap or a bit of comradery like being in a club of like minded people (not sure this is a good thing actually).
Sammie's post is one of those moments. For me it has everything.......disdain bordering on contempt, sarcasm, humour, cultural references (including 2 of my top 10 films) even an economic statement. Some feel that the post will alienate, others have rolled on their backs like puppies (not those kind of puppies) so that
Sammie can tickle their bellies. Well, I have to declare now that I am rolling with the best of them.
Sammie, I want you even more! Not just a beauty but a feisty, intelligent woman! Now you think I am being patronising and I love that too (swerves to avoid a swift kick in the balls). The only criticism I have and I may have got the wrong end of the stick here is the reference to spunk stains and then linking that statement to someone who is 8. I assume we are talking mental age here because at 8 semen production hasn't yet started I believe. It seems you are much better at practical Biology rather than theory...........my god you tick ALL the boxes!
Finally a quote from 1 of your favourite films -
Joel: I had a really nice time last night.
Clementine: Nice?
Joel: I had the best fucking night of my entire fucking life, last night!
Clementine: Thaaaat's better!
I just know I will be saying that the morning after the next time you're on
Sammie! Even better if I was saying it in person!
Tip of the day - Easy currency convertor -
£1 = $1.52
£1 = 1.13 Euros
1 text = 1 nip slip
3 texts = 1 boob flash
? texts = boobs out
This convertor is free and could help avoid confusion in future.
Ps If you like Jim Carrey and you haven't already seen it check out "Man on the Moon"