RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
Read previous posts ive made about babestation, I'm not saying it has to be everybodys favourite, im saying it's the biggest brand out of the babeshows probably bringing in most money, nothing more, nothing less, i know the channel has it's faults and listened to others, and i have agreed with many others on issues that hinder the channel, so i dont see how im digging a hole for myself at all.
I said earlier in a post i respect certain members views, what i take issue with are people hiding somewhat behind other members posts, i know not everbody agrees with all of my posts and views but atleast i have the balls to put my own opinion out there and willing to take the flack back. People who clearly have no idea what they are talking about rile me aswell when they are cleary trying to put a downer on babestation, again i go back to the person who described Loris performance to that of a daytime show yesterday.
We are all entitled to our own views, it doesn't mean we have to agree, if you dig up facts and figures, by all means prove me wrong and i'l say fairplay your right on which is the biggest money making brand, i have no issue with that. But until im proven wrong I still have my own views and will stick by them, as other people will stick to theirs im sure.
I have no issue with people prefering other channels but I don't make a point of posting negative things about them all the time, I just praise channels/girls when it's due. If it turned out Babestation was bringing in less money or wasn't the most popular, it wouldn't change my opinion that the girls on there put on the best performances, obviously you have your preferred channels regardless of revenue.
Lets face it we all have our own views on things and are just arguing for the sake of it now. It will just end up a vicious circle.
Im happy watching BS thats all that matters to me at the end of the day, alsong as i get a stiffy and my tissues end up sticky thats all that matters.
FCP mais que um clube*Super Dragoes*