Forgive me, I haven't got involved so much in debates like this in 2021.
Health and time constraints have seen to that. However my concentration is a bit better tonight so here goes

Back in time it used to be as simple for me as
1. Call up a babe
2. Get her to do a slow sexy strip to nudity
3. Talk all manner of filth on the phone while getting said babe to gyrate and sensually move around in the horniest way possible
Gradually change took hold and not for the better.
The channel choice has gradually dwindled.
The mentality of channel has precipiated a change in mentality of babes to one of screwing as much money out of as many folk as possible by a mixture of means, too many of which give rise to feelings of



or all of these.
Ofcom and the Mary Whitehouse brigade have had their influence too as has the dog eat dog approach of BS and S66 for rather too long. That approach in my view was never wise and merely speeded up the process of those channels eating themselves alive.
The interpretation of rules and self induced channel panic stations combined with quite ludicrous levels of inconsistency within a stint, night, week and month have proven to be a source of much befuddlement and eye rolling.
The sets have become a staple diet of energy sapping, imagination deficient dullness to bore the already most mind numbed of human to death

The investment in the set environment has become an alien concept so old fashioned you would think nightshows began in 6BC

I know a lot of babes I talk to reflect on the past especially those who worked at RLC.
The one thing they all complimented was the range and quality of set they could work in.
It enabled them to be truly creative and more inspired.
At least in part this sort of thing on any channel was great for me as a caller. It was an inducement to race to the phone. Clare in the shower, Dannii in the tub, Lola in the office, Mica in the now much underused alleyway, Lucy on the pool table, Yasmine in a mirror set or whatever.
It all cut through and generated feeling.
As I have remarked upon before that feeling has been replaced by process.
Pervcam, blurredcam, privates, listen in lines, 2 minute challenges, tip goals, gold shows etc etc etc. Options dressed up as scam, deception, dishonesty, fobbing off, cutting off, censure, anti freeloader mentality and greed.
The fun of yesteryear has been both diluted and polluted by ruthlessness of management and intention. The idea of pleasing the punter is now riddled with conditions under which it will be allowed to occur. Make sure you read the proverbial small print now Mr Snooks.
Oh and the super small print and the unintelligible weasel like print.
Not forgetting the lets be as much of a c#nt to potential and actual punters as possible small print

But can Snooks be bothered with all that?
Snooks attention is limited to those he knows reasonably well and can trust either by virtue of long standing loyalty or by virtue of being on Xpanded which is the closest to old fashioned nightshow values around these days.
So much so that Xpanded babes are becoming of powerhouse force in yearly awards on here. Whatever happened to less is more?
Who would have thought I would have cause all these years on to say 'Bollocks to the billion and one options ideal. They are all dodgy anyway.'
I'm off to another bed set on Xpanded.
Michelle and Ashton will cheer me up.
In the meantime I will look on in amusement at the BS countdown clocks leading to nowhere in particular. I will despair at the ability of S66 to shoot itself in the foot and look like a channel cross between Frank Spencer, Del Boy and Mr Bean.
But then there is an eternal source of joy no matter the minute, the hour, day or night.
Ah yes Lanta.
The best performer I have ever seen on these channels and the best human too.
She is an inspiration and an example to all.
While there is Lanta there is light, hope and love.
Heaven knows we need all sources of that right now in our lives.
You lot on the forum help keep me sane.
Lanta helps me keep a share of faith in the babeshow product.
If nothing else Snooks is grateful for that.