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Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

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Dan Volatile Offline
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Post: #631
Pisshed but that's no excuse.
(15-09-2012 20:50 )cwpussylover Wrote:  has any of the babes ever..... farted on mic????Importantlaugh

I saw Poigey Typo let off once. She really made a meal of it as well. Turned the mic on, pointed her arse at the camera and let rip with the most humungous pump in babeshow history.

It was so loud the shockwave nearly shattered Geri's dentures.

After that the producers banned Tiffany from bringing in her home made pea pod wine....................the rotters!

(This post was last modified: 16-09-2012 00:14 by Dan Volatile.)
15-09-2012 23:53
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #632
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
We all know that its Ofcom restricting what can and can't be done so theres nothing new there. Secondly you've complained at how bad Babebstation is still watching it and keeping going on about it, if you don't something theres a simply solution just don't watch as no one is forcing any one too and theres plenty of other channels to watch to suit everyones needs and yes it is a shame Ofcom have laid down so many rules will it change probably not but you always have to have hope that things will one day change.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
(This post was last modified: 16-09-2012 00:31 by *Kal-El*.)
16-09-2012 00:30
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #633
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
(15-09-2012 23:36 )Rammyrascal Wrote:  the shows cant be as bad as you say they are sb as your still watching them even though you think theyre so bad. also think youre wrong to place the blame at the babes working on them. they can only go as far as the producers will let them based on the ofcom rules and therefore diasgree that a mass cull of models

Why do I get the feeling that what you've posted looks very similar to what I've read before from you. I'd just like to know at what point in the babe channel history Rammy were you appointed spokesman in defence of the channels. And oh yes I agree with you there Kalel, Rammy is allways moaning about Babestation yet he still chooses to watch it. Pot calling kettle black springs to mind yet again.

Also Rammy if it all just boils simply down to ofcom rules then answer me this why are certain models putting on better shows than others. It's surely a bit naive to think that the blame shouldn't rest on the shoulders of the models a lot of the time and that's exactly why I stated that a mass cull is needed.

The babe channels are far too inconsistent, tonight so far has been far better than last night. Could it be perhaps that we have more models on tonight that actually give a shit as opposed to a lot of other nights. Lastly for the record my post has got fuck all to do with ofcom, I tend to leave that to the other section Cool
16-09-2012 00:49
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #634
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
Theres nothing wrong with expressing that you dislike something as long as its done in the right way but if you don't like something you simply just don't watch it as i said in my earlier post there are other channels to watch to cater to your needs.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
16-09-2012 00:54
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Addison Away
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Post: #635
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
(16-09-2012 00:49 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  
(15-09-2012 23:36 )Rammyrascal Wrote:  the shows cant be as bad as you say they are sb as your still watching them even though you think theyre so bad. also think youre wrong to place the blame at the babes working on them. they can only go as far as the producers will let them based on the ofcom rules and therefore diasgree that a mass cull of models

Why do I get the feeling that what you've posted looks very similar to what I've read before from you. I'd just like to know at what point in the babe channel history Rammy were you appointed spokesman in defence of the channels. And oh yes I agree with you there Kalel, Rammy is allways moaning about Babestation yet he still chooses to watch it. Pot calling kettle black springs to mind yet again.

Also Rammy if it all just boils simply down to ofcom rules then answer me this why are certain models putting on better shows than others. It's surely a bit naive to think that the blame shouldn't rest on the shoulders of the models a lot of the time and that's exactly why I stated that a mass cull is needed.

The babe channels are far too inconsistent, tonight so far has been far better than last night. Could it be perhaps that we have more models on tonight that actually give a shit as opposed to a lot of other nights. Lastly for the record my post has got fuck all to do with ofcom, I tend to leave that to the other section Cool

You repeat yourself in post after post as much as anyone here, SB. Also, Rammy's less blinkered about his biases and more self-critical than you are. You have this rather grand picture of yourself as mister integrity, standing firm and unbowed and waving the trusty sword of truth to expose and speak-out about declining standards and sub-par babe performances and all this puffed-up, muscle-bound bilge, when in reality you're one of the forum's biggest self-appointed arbiters of taste as well as one of its purest 'fanboys' (check out your numerous fawning posts about - and addressed to - Bailey) and a reiterative moaner. If anyone's guilty of providing a tedious "running commentary" it's you and your almost nightly condemnations of the current state of the babe shows, using almost the same words and sentences, week-in-and-week-out. It would occasionally be good to see you hold up your hand and say outright: "I think I overstepped the mark there," but I think there's little chance of it. When challenged all you do is attempt to entrench or deflect or squirm free and qualify what you've said (see that stuff about likening the fight against Ofcom to the war against the Nazis(!) - no acknowledgement/apology for going too far in your comparisons when pulled up about it, just a weak line about how we shouldn't take everything you say literally - a standard line when you realise you may've gone too far). Wish I could say I looked forward to a response, SB, but to be honest I'm getting sick of the sight of these little fuckers: bladewave Big Laugh Cool
16-09-2012 01:40
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #636
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
Well now that's some motor you've got on your mouth there Addison, I wouldn't so much call your post a rant or even constructive but more a barrige of insults and accusations using fancy big words almost into fooling the forum that you somehow hold a much higher intelligence than most. Looks to me like you've just swallowed an encyclopedia Big Laugh

Now the big difference between myself and you is I make no secret what side of the fence I sit on unlike yourself who can't seem to make his mind up if he is for ofcom or not hence the reason when you have posted in that section you have contradicted yourself on numourous occassions.

As for accusing me of being a fanboy, each and every single member on this forum has his favourite models and I make no secret of which ones in my eyes are the ones delivering the shows. Bailey's thread for example has had well over a million hits so the statistics say it all.

Also in regards with you saying my posts are repetitive, yes and no, it's more a case of reiterating a point but I allways make sure that it is justified within the correct context of the subject matter first rather than posting for the sake of posting hence the reason I wouldn't call it a running commentary.

As for your use of the little fuckers comment at the end of your post, grow up, you showed yourself up for the intolerance and hostility you have showed to myself and others throughout your time on this forum.

I have given you a civil responce which is more than I can say with regards to your post.
16-09-2012 04:50
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dan g 27 Offline
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Post: #637
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
(16-09-2012 00:49 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  
(15-09-2012 23:36 )Rammyrascal Wrote:  
Pot calling kettle black springs to mind yet again.
I'm really getting tired of that phrase being used so many timesBig Laugh
16-09-2012 10:03
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The Silent Majority Offline
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Post: #638
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
I think they both have it saved beside the smilies, ready to paste in at every opportunity Big Laugh
16-09-2012 10:22
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Digital Dave Away

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Post: #639
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
I agree. I'm actually sick to the back teeth of this tedious, almost word for word repetition of posts between rammy and scottishbloke. It's been going on for weeks.

Unless you have anything new to say please stop, or at least take it to PM.
16-09-2012 10:24
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KerrAvon Offline
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Post: #640
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
(16-09-2012 04:50 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  As for accusing me of being a fanboy, each and every single member on this forum has his favourite models and I make no secret of which ones in my eyes are the ones delivering the shows.

Which I hope will finally render this 'fanboy' tag that's thrown around as an insult, dead. Everyone's favourite models will deliver the show in their own eyes.

And just because we're 'fanboys' doesn't mean we're blind to the fact that it's not 2010 style shows anymore. Everyone knows that. I can still enjoy shows for what they are. And if certain nights don't appeal to me, which I admit is more frequently, I just switch off and rejoin the real world. Why build yourself up into frustration watching it.
(This post was last modified: 16-09-2012 10:43 by KerrAvon.)
16-09-2012 10:42
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