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Black Harry J Offline
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Post: #191
RE: Sugar
And some from me from last night. Sugar was back to her pale, and very beautiful self - or maybe it was just the lighting!! She did look extremely scrumptious though.
Sorry I couldn't post a "heads up" but before I knew it, she was on. And then I couldn't tear myself away. I'm sure you all know the feeling.

Lucent X - great to hear from you, I thought you had been a bit quiet on the whole subject of Sugar's potential boob job. Glad you are with us on this and you posted a very cogent and well thought out message. Good on ya, mate.

REAL Pirates prefer natural breasted beauties! Arrrrrrrrrrrr
09-09-2010 17:48
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Cherry_Picker Offline
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Post: #192
RE: Sugar
[Image: sugar_poon_kinda_open_thumb.jpg] [Image: sugar_looking_up_at_spread_poon_thumb.jpg]

09-09-2010 22:21
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Black Harry J Offline
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Post: #193
Big Grin RE: Sugar
Sugar and Kimmy have been on the show all day today. I was at work and missed most of it - dang it all!!! Also the webstream was really poor - too many of us watching, I expect. However I did get one cap.

Sugar is on again tomorrow (Friday night) and Kimmy on again Sunday daytime.



REAL Pirates prefer natural breasted beauties! Arrrrrrrrrrrr
16-09-2010 16:48
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gunflash10 Offline
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Post: #194
RE: Sugar
Heres some more caps of the beautiful sugar taken between 6:05 and 6:15 this evening

[Image: 20100916_sugar_2.jpg] [Image: 20100916_sugar_3.jpg]
[Image: 20100916_sugar_4.jpg] [Image: 20100916_sugar_5.jpg]
[Image: 20100916_sugar_6.jpg] [Image: 20100916_sugar_7.jpg]
[Image: 20100916_sugar_8.jpg] [Image: 20100916_sugar_9.jpg]
[Image: 20100916_sugar_10.jpg] [Image: 20100916_sugar_11.jpg]

Victoria Concordia Crescit
16-09-2010 17:20
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lucent-x Offline
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Post: #195
RE: Sugar
Just a few from Sugars last 5 minutes today...

[Image: sg_16092010_cap01.jpg][Image: sg_16092010_cap02.jpg][Image: sg_16092010_cap03.jpg][Image: sg_16092010_cap04.jpg]
16-09-2010 17:42
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TheWatcher Offline
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Post: #196
RE: Sugar
Sugar at 6.50pm this evening

[Image: 2010_09_17_185034.jpg]
17-09-2010 17:53
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Black Harry J Offline
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Post: #197
RE: Sugar
Arrrr me hearties,

Here are five caps of the very Naughty, Nubile, Natural Nymphet Sugar from last night.

And she tells me that the boob job is OFF !!!!

Sugar will be back on Sex Station tomorrow (Sunday 19th September) between 7pm and 3am {she said yesterday} if you want to thank her in person. Or just watch the most adorable babe around.

Take care all, from a very happy,

REAL Pirates prefer natural breasted beauties! Arrrrrrrrrrrr
18-09-2010 17:47
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gunflash10 Offline
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Post: #198
RE: Sugar
Thats really great news bhj and im very pleased that sugar has reversed her decision on this as she does not have any need for surgery at all her natural body is really very very nice and thats what i like about sugar the fact that she has a lovely natural appeal and for me surgery of any kind would not enhance what she has but rather would detract from her fine body.
I am especially pleased for you bhj as i know that you are a masive sugar fan and im sure you are relieved to hear that news.Thanks for letting us know about it bhj much appreciated.Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Victoria Concordia Crescit
18-09-2010 19:25
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newjoy71 Offline
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Post: #199
RE: Sugar
And she tells me that the boob job is OFF !!!!

phew, massive sigh of relief, good choice sugar!!!!!
19-09-2010 18:00
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gunflash10 Offline
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Post: #200
RE: Sugar
Some caps of the gorgeous sugar and may i say looking particularly stunning tonight.These were taken between 8:35 and 8:50 tonight.

[Image: 20100919_sugar_2.jpg]
[Image: 20100919_sugar_3.jpg]
[Image: 20100919_sugar_4.jpg]
[Image: 20100919_sugar_5.jpg]
[Image: 20100919_sugar_6.jpg]
[Image: 20100919_sugar_7.jpg]
[Image: 20100919_sugar_8.jpg]
[Image: 20100919_sugar_9.jpg]
[Image: 20100919_sugar_10.jpg]
[Image: 20100919_sugar_11.jpg]

Victoria Concordia Crescit
19-09-2010 19:57
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