(29-01-2017 09:12 )shankey! Wrote: (27-01-2017 15:47 )Censorship :-( Wrote: (27-01-2017 00:07 )ceasman Wrote: Pretty poor show babestation, I know your only interested in pervcam but to only have the girls from waist up all night so far is shit. Either ditch this idea or ditch the show completely but do t keep giving us this crap, and while I'm on the rant, get rid of these stupid , dumb and annoying gimmick calls .
Sadly, as long as the money keeps rolling in, never gonna happen. 
well i think a glimpse of a girl in full swing on the traditional shows is more likely to get me to ring in than a computer screen showing a poor picture of only some of the girls that do perv cam"s pussy ,ive have noticed its not used as much now as when it was first introduced, but the quality of the shows has gone so much down hill since november i hardly ever tune in now ,even the very best girls are being made to look tame ,danni and alice"s shows are dire now ,due totally to the terrible camera work
AFAIK, pervcam started out costly, and has only risen in price since, so, despite the seemingly poor quality, they are, I'm guessing, coining it in; if that wasn't the case, they surely would have abandoned it by now, given the disastrous effect it has had on the 'traditional shows', which themselves were already going downhill for years (in particular, since 2012, IMO),
It's a vicious circle: traditional revenue was drying up, so they looked for other ways to make money; pervcam, it seems, is it, and in order to maximise pervcam's 'appeal', they have deliberately reduced what they offer visually on the regular show (to pretty much nothing), so the shows are at an all time low (from a viewer's perspective) since pervcam's introduction last year. Even the shows in early 2016, prior to pervcam's 'arrival', while crap, are better than the rubbish since, and they themselves were rubbish compared to 2015, and so on...
I can only conclude that, relatively speaking, they don't particularly care about calls any more - if, as seems to be the case, some people (inexplicably) still call in, then it's a bonus on top of pervcam income, and the shows provide, as mentioned, the 'vehicle' for the new cash cow.
This is, of course, part of the wider 'pay or you won't see anything' attitude that has 'come to the fore' in recent 'tough times'.
Just my take on things, though, as I'm not party to any inside info., financial or otherwise.
Of course, it might be none of the above, and simply down to the incompetence of the clowns now in charge...
Or, all of the above!