^ Winsaw, I totally agree... with just the odd note of caution!

There are some assumptions in what you're saying. (And I should know because I'm one of the worst for it!

Yes, I think we
can say that changes have followed on top of other changes over the last 18 months because things had not gone as well as they'd hoped for BS. (Otherwise why keep altering things?)
But, we are only sure that Cellcast were seeing decreased revenue until May this year. It would be a stretch to guess that it persisting is why the CEO left. Just as it is an assumption that this is all down to BS.
Call stats
would be down because they are no longer the shows' primary focus there.
Just because what they are now outputting on TV is ticking off a dozen or so regular traditional show-favouring posters on here (and I concur fwiw) I'm not sure you can extrapolate that to mean that BS will
always see dwindling revenue because of such changes and that a solution can't be found in the direction that they are going. 66 seem to have managed it (speaking strictly commercially here). Why shouldn't BS strike their own vein of it eventually?
Then, also, we have no way of knowing exactly how import the fan base (by which I presume you mean at least fairly regular customers) actually
is to the night shows. 'Casuals' are certainly more prominent customers than they are on days wouldn't you agree. How much are even semi-regular users really effected by the things that we moan about on here? Enough to spot that they have been hoodwinked on VFM?
To make some assumptions of my own: I'd say that Xpanded has grown because of their cheap prices (with a consequent cheap-looking product to my mind). I don't think BS would want to go down their route because BS's roster must be costing them so much more than XP's surely. It would mean a big cull was needed, no? So instead BS are chasing the various paywalled market with the vengeance and ruthlessness of a crusading former addict that suddenly realises their wrongdoing!
But if it really still isn't working for them I'm sure we will see even more changes forthcoming.
What I do think we are seeing atm is a company in shock. From once being assured and confident in it's product and bosses to suddenly realising that it has missed out on a shift in how the business should be done. Both their competitors had found new more up-to-date ways of working. So BS are spraying their market with ideas in the hope that something hits for them.
They must be hoping they are not too late in responding to this shift and retracting their former complacency (unlike say Blockbusters who realised too late that they should have gotten into that pesky streaming thing
