Without getting drawn into naming names and declaring favouritism the criteria I use for quality is thus.
Visually the babe needs to offer variety of movement, pose and position. Every move, every look and every touch should have a purpose and an intensity to it.
Nothing should ever be done just out of routine or for the sake of doing it.
My preference is for a stint to have a clear structure usually for gradual progression to nudity and then for the most to be made of the nudity and the set. However the most should be made of the outfit first and the process of disrobing.
Flinging off clothes in three seconds is no good.
There has to be at least some element of building up the sexual fervour and tension to ultimately create a really special moment.
Exploiting the set is important but variety of set is also important.
The set and the intimacy of it can generate a feel, an atmosphere and a unique quality all of its own.
However the babe concerned still has to use the set to its full advantage. There are different ways to achieve this depending on the type of set and the extent of its redeeming features.
On the phone the biggest trick for the on screen babe is working out what sort of caller they are dealing with.
Is it a genuinely horny, filthy caller who is really interactive?
If so then this is a relatively rare event from the many many many calls I have listened in to while waiting to speak to the babe concerned.
But with this type of caller (of which I am one by the way) the babe should realize they don't need to do as much of the work as normal, they don't have to say as much.
Both parties can feed off each other and enjoy the ride as long as the babe is genuinely keen to please. Unfortunately this is not always the case but that is another debate for another day.
Then you get the quiet ones who are horny but need some prompting. The babe will need to bring the caller out of their shell a bit and do a bit more of the work.
Then you get the mumblers and ones who make a variety of noises down the phone. The babe is in a difficult position here to be honest. Try hard to generate some hint of horny interaction knowing that in the end it will go nowhere.
Finally there are those who call the nightshow babes and engage in daytime chat. Not ideal for those waiting in the queue to talk utter filth

Whatever the type of caller the babe needs to identify it pretty damned quick and respond in the right way.
Try to oblige the wishes of the caller as far as possible to entice possible further calls.
It is a balancing act and a challenge for the babes and they need to be given a variety of exciting sets to use.
They also need the encouragement from the channel to exploit these sets and the motivation to forget being preoccupied with freeloader complaints.
Just focus on putting on the hottest, filthiest, dirtiest show possible and everything else will take care of itself.