Sorry for the long one! (Lots of short responses to multiple, interesting posts)
(10-03-2015 00:38 )DeadPanStan Wrote: I think they should really only focus on using the girls who are willing to show at least some bum, stand up, tease a bit....beyond the day girls earning a bit extra cash for themselves I don't really see the appeal if it's day chat and simply no tease at all....

I've always defended these shows when they were the old definition of "tease show", which meant clothing on, but adult chat.
I find the purely extended dayshow (i.e. clothing on, daytime chat) problematic. In particular, I simply don't believe that lots of callers aren't being caught out and, as a consequence, ripped off. It's after 10pm and you're entitled to assume that it's adult chat -- it is only after they have snagged you into the queue that you realize she is talking about her latest holiday in Magaluf.
(10-03-2015 12:21 )Robot Devil Wrote: What puzzles me is why, if the day girls AREN'T obliged to talk dirty or get their tits out during these extended shows, all the other day girls don't do them either? Why not Caitlin or Anastasia or Summer (as three examples) ? If it's an easy pay-day without the usual night show 'obligations' then why aren't they doing them ? Is it laziness or a simple unwillingness to part from their beloved social lives for one or two nights a week ?
I don't find your last explanation very hard to believe. It would be different if they were doing adult chat (e.g. Gemma Hiles, Lucy Anne), because I'd expect that in that extra hour or two, the queue gets rammed with guys that have a chance to speak openly. So it's not just an extra couple of hours, its an extra couple of particularly
lucrative hours.
But if it is just an extended dayshow with no adult chat, then the benefit they get from doing the extra two hours is
literally the extra two hours. I can see why a Caitlin or Anastasia -- having already done a 10:00 to 21:00 shift -- can't be bothered with the marginal extra money that comes from doing two more hours. Who needs it? I actually wonder the opposite: what the hell are Evelyn and Cara Steele spending their money on that they so desperately need to work from 22:00 to 00:00? Don't they have something better to do?
(10-03-2015 14:06 )Robot Devil Wrote: What incentive is there for the full-time night girls to talk dirty or get their tits out ? Why wouldn't they just say 'She's not doing anything extra, so why are you paying her more money ?'
Pay is a function of caller volume. Get your tits out & talk dirty = more guys in the queue = more money. Purely financially, the incentive must be to do a 'proper' nightshow.
If a girl doesn't do it, then it is only because the financial benefit is not large enough to overcome 100,000 years of evolution that says,
"don't be naked in public", plus 20 years of parenting that said,
"don't be naked on television!"
(10-03-2015 16:27 )SOCATOA Wrote: Seems more of the night babes putting less effort into their shows
Turning into a skip channel. When you look back at the Bang Babes shows, most of the girls now would be struggling to get an audition

^^^ Agreed. I personally find even the nightshow "stars" like Kandy and Kara to be pretty boring now.