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Elite TV / Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion

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Don Tingley Offline

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Post: #7581
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
(09-07-2012 18:04 )Rammyrascal Wrote:  the best newcomer on elite nights in 2012 is clare richards. she's got a great all natural figure and has taken to nights fantastically well since she started back in january. however elite have brought in several new nightbabes recently, including, madison, beckiie d, abbee kimberly, ally lou and jayde summers. so clare could not be best newcomer

So to sum up, Clare is the best newcomer but she is not the best newcomer.

09-07-2012 18:20
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oklahoma001 Offline
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Post: #7582
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
(09-07-2012 18:17 )gazfc Wrote:  But turn your post around and somebody posting the same negative opnion has the exact same effect
True, but that isnt the case here.
09-07-2012 18:22
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #7583
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
(09-07-2012 18:20 )sikkfukk Wrote:  So to sum up, Clare is the best newcomer but she is not the best newcomer.


no clare at the moment is best newcomer, but that could change

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
09-07-2012 18:43
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Rise Offline
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Post: #7584
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
It might be a good idea if some of the forum experimented with starting w@nking about three hours earlier, say around 6pm?

That way they wouldn't need to be constantly having a crack at other posters to let off steam every evening.
09-07-2012 18:48
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #7585
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
First of all I also agree with the fact we don't need a thread consisting of a running commentry as I'd put that down to spamming of the highest order, yes we can all see the action for ourselves. Infact the running commentary is just getting extremely tedious.

It's a bit like sitting on a bus and some old granny telling you that it's raining or that it's cold outside in the middle of January, yes thank you very much for telling us we can see that for ourselves, hence the reason I'm wearing a jacket with a hood on it.

Also the likes of myself and sikkfukk are not coming on this forum simply to rubbish what other posters are saying, more to inject a bit of reality into the discussion which many of you fail to see.

It's not simply a case of posting the same old bullshit, my posts differ, I call it as I see it. No point in papering over the cracks. What we are offering is genuine feedback.

To say a show is great just because the model looks great is total bullshit. It's bit like me buying a new car, it looks great but when it's on the road it's a barrel of shit.

Nope no point in having a forum if you can't be honest it just takes away the whole integrity of having one in the first place.

I have no agenda against Elite or any other channel for that matter, all I want to see is better shows and if they fail to deliver then I won't be shy is coming forward and saying so.

This Thread should not be dominated by the fanboys because how else are we supposed to get anything that comes close to a balanced argument. Honesty and integrity is what we need and I'll continue to stand up for what I believe in and never give into peer pressure that is going to make me change my stance.

Fanboys will never offer anything that is genuinely going to help this channel with any kind of honest feedback because all they see is the show from their own elite tinted specs. If you want the truth then you have to remain neutral. As the old saying goes never judge a book by it's cover, some have allready decided that it's a great show based purely on the fact their favourite models are on.
(This post was last modified: 09-07-2012 20:48 by Scottishbloke.)
09-07-2012 19:13
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gazfc Away
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Post: #7586
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
So what makes your posts honest and everyone's else's bullshit??

All you remind me of is a dictator

Nah I read it scottishbloke, I paid attention to your continued claims to been honest and Your insistence that others are not been honest.

I respect that you'll never give into peer pressure but I find it Quite funny that at the same time you'd try and pressure others into posting your way

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(This post was last modified: 09-07-2012 21:10 by gazfc.)
09-07-2012 19:27
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #7587
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
yes elite is my fav channel but i definately dont have elite tinted specs on as i have been negative about elite in the recent past. also, i dont say a babe has had a good show purely on how she looks. i take everything into account, including her outfits, how she uses the sets and how they interact with another babe (if they share a set). think most other forum members do the same

you say you dont have an agenda against elite. i find that difficult to believe because its only the elite section where you come in and make your rants. the other babechannel sections dont seem to suffer the same flack you give elite.

also you say you this thread is dominated by fanboys. well that only happens when you make your regular pops at elite, youre bound to get a strong reaction supporting elite

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
09-07-2012 21:22
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #7588
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
Rammy as per usual you completely missed my point. Explaining why I post the way I do to you is like banging your head off a brick wall.

You have clearly admitted to all that you are an elite fanboy by declaring it's your favourite channel. Rammy you declare it's a good show on Elite before they've even got their waps out.

Tell us all exactly what made last night so great, you said you enjoyed the interaction, maybe it was just me seeing the show through my neutral specs but I seen none whatsoever.

I ask the question, do you work for Elite PR or something because I've yet to hear you say anything critical about it yet you seem hell bent on being critical on the BS Thread.

You declared that Lori Buckby was boring what as oppossed to Clare Richards (not fit to lace Lori's boot IMHO) who you reckon has been the best elite babe of 2012 based on what exactly. Do you have a date lined up with her or something or are you secretly dating her instead.

Fact - Elite is a shadow of it's former self and is not even close to how it used to be, the very fact they have to bring in top US porn stars to boost rating says a lot for the channel and the UK based models that appear to be contributing to it's downfall.
09-07-2012 21:53
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KerrAvon Offline
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Post: #7589
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
(09-07-2012 21:53 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  You declared that Lori Buckby was boring what as oppossed to Clare Richards (not fit to lace Lori's boot IMHO) who you reckon has been the best elite babe of 2012 based on what exactly. Do you have a date lined up with her or something or are you secretly dating her instead.

Therein sums up the problem people have with you Scottishbloke. You certainly have the right to express your opinion just like anyone else, but then you go and attack someone on a more personal level for daring to have a different opinion.

For the record I like both girls, even though both give a different type of performance. But I do feel both can be a bit repetitive in their performance, but that's hardly rare in the current limited formats the babe channels are producing at the moment.
09-07-2012 22:30
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Wazo Away
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Post: #7590
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
Where going around in circles here at the end of the day a person favorite show or model/channel or Channel of the year will be down to each persons individual taste ranging from the sets the roster of girls they have an so on.

For example I dont get people who seem to find feet sexy but get while i dont understand it i get that there is a market for it even if i dont like it same goes for models as well its personal taste some like the get naked throw yourself around a bed style of show while others prefer the slower tease style while other prefer real tits an others fake tits an so on thats why with so many different models an channels we normally have somthing to suit all peoples tastes.

Elite bringing the USA models over while does nothing for me i can see that for others it does as they will want to speak to there favorite porn stars an it gives Elite a Unique selling point over the other channels as where else can you speak to the likes of Tori black,Alexis Texas its just another way for the channel to bring in more callers an listens to increase there revenue

It doesn't mean that the UK girls are doing anything wrong in fact you get the best of both worlds you get a mixture of UK an US stars so when US stars tweet/advertise on there website that they will be live on elite it means there fans who dont live in the UK can watch on the elite web-stream that brings in a new audience who have never heard of elite before.

Then while there waiting for there favorite porn-star to come back from a break they might watch a bit of the UK Girls an then deiced that they like the look of them an start watching/calling on a more regular bases which then makes the UK's models profile more know around the globe an maybe even after watching people will sign up to the elite website which makes them more money.

Its all about making Money the channels are a business at the end of the day if doing somthing different helps bring in more more money for the channels which means they can invest in better sets equipment etc that is another bonus.

And to the posters that say that Elite are bringing in USA stars as there UK girls dont seem to be bringing in the ratings so does that mean the UK RLC girls are not bringing in the ratings also since they started a channel called Red Light Rio which is supposedly going to broadcast some shows from Brazil or thats what i can gather from some posters on here.

(This post was last modified: 09-07-2012 23:09 by Wazo.)
09-07-2012 22:44
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