And they have managed to do that off the back of an electoral system that is about as bad as our own. Trump has been able to nominate three justices as President despite losing the popular vote by a considerate margin of 3m voters & they have been (or possibly will be) confirmed by a Republican majority senate whose representatives received viewer combined votes that their Democratic counter parts.
Despite nationwide there being roughly the same amount of people living in large urban areas as there are rural ones, rural areas have 2 and a half times the representation of urban areas in the senate.
At the Presidential level the electoral college operates on a winner takes all basis, so if a candidate wins by even the slightest of margins (Trump won Michigan by 0.23%) they accrue all of that states votes. Now I am sure this will seem like left wing sour grapes but this winner takes all strategy affects everyone across the country: California is a Democratic stronghold which Clinton won in 2016 with 61.73% & is also the most populous state so Trump's losing share garnered him a healthy 4.5m votes. Those 4.5m Republican voters ended up with no representation, because of winner takes all, yet states like Rhode Island, Vermont & Delaware which have a combined population (not voters) of about 2.7m were also won by Clinton & so the votes of those citizens meant more than the considerably larger Republican votes in California.
The Republican Party has only garnered a majority of the popular vote once in the last 7 elections yet have won 3 of those elections & that has allowed them to appoint 4 out of 9 Supreme Court justices, RBG replacement nominee will be 5 of 9. That's before you even get to the 100s of Justices appointed to the lower courts. Granted Bush 43's two nominees came in his 2nd term when he actually did win the popular vote but of course he wouldn't of been there to run for that term having lost to Gore, if elections went proportionally, in 2000. You may argue that Gore might not have won re-election in 04 which is true but excluding Ford who served out the remainder of Nixon's term & JFK who was assassinated there have only been two one term Presidents since Hoover lost to FDR in 1932.
Had elections been carried out fairly by proportional representation both in the electoral college & the Senate there would of been fewer Republican Presidents, no Iraq War, fewer mass shootings, no Trump & a Supreme Court that had an 8/1 Liberal majority. Of course not all of that would necessarily be good, despite being a left wing, that supreme court margin is too much for me & would definitely not be proportionate, which is why I believe that Justices should not be political appointees made by Presidents off the backs of their own ideological basis & that The US Supreme Court probably has too much power when you compare it to that of other countries.