I applaud the most excellent, diplomatic post from Goodfella.
Alas I cannot be so charitable or forgiving in this particular case.
The notion that the narrow majority of American people wanted Trump out rather than Biden in may well have some credence to it.
Yes I wanted Trump out too.
Not for me. Not for the UK.
For the American people of which I know some myself.
For the environment.
For democracy.
For the sake of humanity.
And yes it really is THAT important.
I am not so consumed with self interest to the point where it should or ever will determine who the President of the United States should be in my own mind.
The implications for trade deals post Brexit pale into utter insignificance.
The UK electorate albeit in a divided manner approved Brexit. Like it or not we now have to accept the consequences of that result and global outcomes that may affect the relative success or not of Brexit.
It is the UK responsibility to make it work not the responsibility of other national electorates to act in the in the supposed interests of bipartisan trade deals.
Donald Trump has been a disaster on every level.
On policy.
Failed on gun crime, failed on the US drug problems, failed on health care, failed on the environment and climate change, failed on global co-operation, failed in any attempt to address societal inequality and discrimination and yes failed on Coronavirus.
On understanding and humility.
He has utterly failed to appreciate that his isolationist bigotry is not only misguided but reckless and downright dangerous.
If every country in the world adopted such an approach to governance in the enth degree then all international relations would be in the trash bin. Civil and international war would be virtually inevitable.
The Trump view of international diplomacy was to disparage other world leaders, disengage from relationships, commitments, and deals a plenty while building
walls and sticking two metaphorical fingers up to those who questioned his motivation.
In the wake of George Floyd and in the wake of Covid19 his response has been beyond useless and utterly devoid of either competence or compassion.
Protests happen for a reason. People hurt. A knee on the neck has become not just literal but proverbial in it's significance.
The words "I can't breathe" have taken on unparalleled importance during these last four years. This is not to say Trump is to blame for the seemingly dramatic rise in profile of racial inequality as regards opportunity and respect. But he has certainly not helped with his rather mechanical, insensitive, disingenuous and callous approach to addressing such matters on the rare occasions when he could actually be bothered to seriously address them at all.
Trump has made great play on law and order while at the same time demonstrating little or no capacity to comprehend those factors that help create and sustain law abidance and harmonious order in the first place.
Moreover Trump seems to have not grasped a feeling that those granted the responsibility of maintaining law and order are themselves guilty of being a law unto themselves in amongst a culture of systemic prejudice and DISorder.
On Covid Trump has mocked 'Sleepy Joe' Biden and his mask wearing while allowing the virus to run riot through state after state as death rates soared.
Biden wide eyed and awake to the threat posed. Sure in the idea that liberty can only be exercised by and for those that live to see another day.
Too many innocent ones have fallen, no liberty to be felt in death.
What did Trump do?
Blame China, blame the World Health Organisation and use Covid as yet another excuse to ridiculously lampoon Democrat controlled states for local mismanagement of the virus.
Just who was the real sleepy one?
Sleepwalking into pandemic catastrophe through misguided obsession with counteracting perceived political correctness over the wearing of a simple piece of cloth over the face. Choosing super spreading gatherings over protection of public health. Choosing liberty over life.
What greater failure is there of any leader than to fail ones own people a lot of whom entrusted him with their vote.
Just how many more of those in the near future will look down from above saying it was a price worth paying?
The joy on the faces of those in the streets who voted Biden was obvious.
The message I took from their many comments was that they have their lives back and liberty to be who they really are back as well.
What more resounding a rejection of Trump is there than that?
On actually doing the job of US President.
Every other day a rally or an opportunity to unjustifiably and shamelessly self congratulate over things that were either not as a result of anything he had done or dubious in the extreme as to the validity of success.
In between times many a round of golf where every bogey was really a birdie and every double bogey was in fact an eagle.
And when presented with proof of bogey no doubt cometh the notion that the Democrat voting greenkeeper had put the hole in an unfair position on the green.
Such is the childish nature of the man which brings me to the final damning failure of the repugnant 45th President of the United States.
Failure as a human.
The single most compulsive liar I have ever had the displeasure to witness in full flow of such appalling crudeness and disrespect.
Utterly consumed by self interest.
Utterly devoid of humility and kindness.
Shameless claimer of credit where there is none due.
Claimer of victory where there is none.
Claimer of eternal fault lying anywhere else but at his own two feet.
From arguing the toss as to how many were on the streets celebrating his inauguration at the start to arguing the evidence lacking toss over electoral fraud at the end.
From the best in Presidential character in Barack Obama to the worst in Donald J Trump. America was a hopelessly divided country before Trump took office.
It is even more so now. The debate will go on about leftism, rightism and everything in between. But this Presidency was not fundamentally about that.
It was about 4 years of dishonour, administrative chaos, debasement of the highest office in the democratic free world and a horrifyingly isolationist and bigoted world view.
Enough has long, long since been enough.
January 20th 2021 cannot come soon enough.