[split] Candy (Partyland)
*sigh* this should have been caps and vids of last nights show (which actually had some damn good moments), instead it's flamebox fodder and I really don't care. I'm sick of the two faced attitudes, the shitty PM's and e-mails, and the idiotic entitlement issues.
Hanty, go fuck yourself and your obsessive sense of entitlement. I talked to you over PM, tried to explain things fairly and as soon as I mention that I would otherwise have removed the original caps/post to prevent anyone else feeling entitled and aggrieved, you immediately go and repost them just to stir up more shit.
Then there's the slew of posters who make demands, never thank after asking for something and are amazingly quick to give me shit via PM and e-mail the moment they can't immediately have what they want, on the terms they want. This includes one particularily dumb fuck who demands the video, gets the pass, doesn't use it and goes on to rant like twelve year old and have a go at the idea of making the vid(s) in the first place. Fucking hilarious inconsistency there.
God help you if you upload anything, because doing so apparently makes you indebted to all those who would download it and obligated to jump at their every demand. And if your link goes dead or you have to pull a vid.. well then, expect a lot of tantrums, a lot of demands and helluva lot of shit to be sent your way.
The worst part. I put that last vid up rather than just giving private links to those that asked, because I actually felt like I should put up something for those who didn't get the last vid. Hell, I thought continuing to add something might be worthwhile and the only reason I came on here today was because I spent (wasted) time capping, editing together and uploading two vids from last night's show because Candy was actually on her game and I thought it would be worth adding to the thread. Fuck me, was I wrong - hands up, I was dead fucking wrong.
..and those thanks on Hanty's post. That's just magic. Why post content or answer requests when whining until people give you what will garner just as much appreciation.
So yeah, fuck it - I'm done. Rejoice and shuffle this away to the flamebox.