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Best way to deal with 956

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yummyyaz Away
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Post: #1
Best way to deal with 956
Is to boycott the channel, sorry to the other girls, but why line the pockets that have forced Celeste out.
25-02-2009 21:25
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killyourself Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Best way to deal with 956
DDT43 Wrote:Is to boycott the channel, sorry to the other girls, but why line the pockets that have forced Celeste out.

Well thats not that fair on the other employees of the channel but I understand where your coming from,Celeste has worked her butt off for that channel and the fact there still broadcasting is in the main down to her efforts and they treat her like this.Sad

Freek on a leash
25-02-2009 23:35
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tsurugi Offline

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Post: #3
RE: Best way to deal with 956
never watched this channel in my life
26-02-2009 00:04
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rover Offline

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Post: #4
RE: Best way to deal with 956
it's a great shame that Celeste is leaving the channel she was the only reason l watched it she was never afraid to
go that one step further to entertain her viewers.

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26-02-2009 01:05
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celeste Offline
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RE: Best way to deal with 956
First let me say a BIG THANK U for all the support.. U guys are absolutely WONDERFUL and I am very privileged that u guys watch my show and that u enjoy so thank u !!! Also I know u guys have already mentioned this but please continue to call the other girls they really love u guys and it really is not fair to them, and last but not least I really do not think it is my channel that is giving me the heat... yes it was my boss who tore me new one today, and well the way he went about it and the things he said were not the greatest but honestly i think its because censorship tore him a new one.. as of today my channel does want me to come back FRiday noon-8 and I must behave LOL.. I was not fired as I have mentioned the whole day!! I have decided that I should resign because I believe I may do the channel more harm than good.. when my intentions are only good ( and well there are a few other blunders too but nothing else that cant be fixed) !! So all I can do at this point is hope this problem too may be fixed!! I am just gonna be super positive.. and am gonan keep my antics to the imlive and 3g which i am gonna begin to dedicate myself to and hope that guys wil join me!! I am gonna be positive and hope this all works out because I enjoy u guys more than u know.. U guys are the reason I come in everyday not the pay and not the scenery LOL!! We are lucky to have u guys as viewers and well I have dedicated all my time to this show for that reason becasue I think u guys are great and well i wish I could make it better.. But i promise things will happen. I promise either way this works I will stay in touch!! I lvoe u gusy and I hope to hear from all of u soon. Thank u again!!

26-02-2009 01:11
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celeste Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Best way to deal with 956
DDT43 Wrote:You seem a really sweet girl Celeste, un resign yourself. Can you do that?
Big Grin

U are very sweet yourself thank u!! Yes i could un resign myself, but I am really lookign out for the best of the channel and the other girls at this point. I am learning tho that if ofcom does decide that I am guilty it really does not matter if I resign or not.. I feel just HORRIBLE!!!! I did not do allt he things they are accusing me of, but yes I do try to make it a litttle fun. i am a night show girl why do they even ptu a night show girl on a day show if they are worried was my defense especially knowing how I am , but that is a childish response and I must take responsibility!!! They do have me on this weekedn and it looks liek the whole investigation may take about a month so I may or may not stay on until I find other work... I do not want to leave. I really just feel like I have caused a catastrophe~!!! I have been tellign my boss for months to do hardcore stuff for the website with me as I am open to doing that and well they jsut kept lookign over me and begging girls who have no interest in doing it!! That really has nothing to do with this other than they limit my ways of naughty entertainment!! LOL LOok I am loyal to the place, I work for practically nothing, I am always there alone, and I AM OPEN TO DO ANYTHING, as long as its for the channel!! Yet they are like umm no celeste u are not right for it so we are gonna go beg this girl off the internet to do it have her tell us no and pay her ten times as much as we would pay u for the girl not to show up LOL and we will throw celeste on day time television and 3g adn imlive and NOT advertise her at all.. SO basically hey u figure it out celelste!! LOL!! One minute I am told to be super naughty the next I todl to act like a nun.. As I said the only fault my channel has is simply thinking I am not good enough for them ( but they also know I am loyal and well I work for the least amount of money) SP they keep me on.. But then I think ofcom changes the rules every day so really honeslty alot of people are at fault, with a serious lack of communication.. but I cant blame anyone else for this .. there are too many other girls jobs at stake fro this I just need to accept it and do my best to move on. I am hoping ot still do internet stuff adn hoping u guys wills till stay in touch. And well allin all u never knwo there might be a rainbow at the end of this storm after all. I just have to stay positive.. Thank u for all your kindness.

26-02-2009 16:13
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dublinlad Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Best way to deal with 956
Whatever about Ofcom and complaints, the picture quality has SERIOUSLY improved on LA Babes.
Seriously as in it's better than some of the other channels.
The titling (I mean the big red and yellow, not the small print) used to be almost illegible, now it's nice and clear. But the camera feed is clear too, it used to be so blurry that I couldn't see if a half-asleep presenter had her eyes open or closed.

The other thing I've noticed is their per-call pricing has been all over the place: a few days ago it was 50p per minute (and they were getting on the mic to say "go on gizz a call, it's as good as for free now" and stuff like that) and more recently it's been flipping between 75p and 100p a minute. I'm not sure if that's using the same number or not.
26-02-2009 18:51
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Hazhard Away

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Post: #8
RE: Best way to deal with 956
the Best way to deal with 956 is dont watch it lol.
26-02-2009 21:20
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enraws Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Best way to deal with 956
I just want to say that i only saw Celeste a few times and loved her shows, always smiling!

It was a crying shame to watch yesterdays show and see her upset like that, you will be greatly missed.
26-02-2009 23:24
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gillespie Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Best way to deal with 956
I seen when the price kept changing they taking us for mugs!
celeste thing is we need someone on there to test the boundaries from what youre saying people above you were just looking for an excuse to have a go and theres a girl on there now who does things with the mic during the day, i applaud it and want to see more of this as a challenge to those who set rules they themselves dont understand unless they regularly watch the shows. or is that research?!
anyway its all fucked up i'll be interested when you get a site or something and hope that this decision dont do you too much harm.

So, I suppose I'm a breast guy?
27-02-2009 00:31
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