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Call it a day

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eccles Offline
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Post: #91
RE: Call it a day
Strange but true that those of us who have seen or heard of stronger material are probably in a minority.

Most people in this country have never had Sky and digital TV is completely new to them. They dont measure Babestation etc against 2006 standards. No, they can only compare to the big 5 terrestial channels and compare against the likes of The Graham Norton Show, Loose Women and uber raunch X Factor.

The other new group of viewers are the young. Todays 22 year olds were only 16 in 2006. Today many have their own flats and completely free viewing choice, 6 years ago they were living with their mums and in bed at 9. They probably never saw Eurotrash, Tarrant On TV or OTT. Even a flash of ankle is groundbreaking to them.

Eventually they will question why TV is regulated much more tightly than any other media, but it will take time.

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19-01-2012 22:56
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ExtremelyCritical Away

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Post: #92
RE: Call it a day
It doesn't matter what way you look at it, these regulations are ridiculous, it's worse because I don't think Ofcom know what they want do with these channels. I'll try and speak as an experienced sky user.

On Sky, the channels are in the 900+ Section way out of the way of every main channel, now I can't speak for everyone, me & family been using sky since the very beginning and as a young person, child even, I have had no problem finding my cartoons without ever coming across the babe channels. If I wanted to watch CNetwork, Boomerang or Toonami, I've had no problem is knowing they are in the 601-620 section, I rarely ventured off that section because I got everything I want there. When I got older, same thing with Sports (400+) and movies (300+). You'll probably going to use the menu to find all this out because, you may end up breaking your remote scrolling from 999-101.

I'll like to think most sky viewers are sensible enough to go: "Okay Cartoons: 601,602 etc, damn WWE Wrestling is on! *Punches Buttons 404, presses channel down till he/she finds which Sky Sports it is on*, or hm I fell like watching a movie *ventures to the 300 section*."

I'm more fortunate as my parents couldn't care if I see nice right pair of tits because I was raised right (well I'd like to think so), and I had full understanding of the female body and being raised right I as mature enough not make a big deal out of it. Most of time these are the same children who will have most likely seen there mother's pairs, now I don't know about you lot, but I can't see any difference in a stranger's pair and my mothers, they're the same thing, so keen on protecting children why don't protect us from our parents then using that logic?

Just leave those who should be responsible, responsible. So because one parent doesn't know how to keep her child away from things he/she shouldn't be seeing on TV of all things, instead of moaning/complaining to authorities why not just be the parent and deal with it, why must thousands of people suffer because they legitimately watch the show for the right purpose of what it is? Why don't just let Ofcom parent the whole country, that might be better idea since we're just going to do the blame game and no take responsibility. I wonder if most parents didn't have a child, who they really care about the BabeChannels? The obvious answer is:


So why is it a problem now you have a child? what is the difference? you're severe lacking of ability to parent properly? everyone else has to do except you?

It really in total honesty, is a mess.
19-01-2012 23:34
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Post: #93
RE: Call it a day
I may have missed it, but have the channels ever given their views on the strict rules they have to adhere to? Why don't we ever see any protest being aired on the media they run? Which you think would be the perfect platform to put over any objections they may have to the rules.Do they know what they can do or can't do? I ask the last question because when the porn stars from the U.S of A come a calling the rules seem to be much more relaxed. Or when a new girl starts they give her much more freedom for a couple of shows. Would that be to rekindling interest when Interest starts to wane. If we had the answers to these questions it would spell out to you that it is very unlikely that they will ever "call it a day" why they have all the pay as you watch ventures going on. These free to air channels are round the clock advertisment's for the pay ventures and that is why they will stay. It does not matter if you think the programmes were once better, or worse whatever you believe doesn't trouble the makers. What matters is if they make money or not, After all that is what they do it for. So for my way of thinking we will be stuck with this dross for a long time to come. As long as the O.S.Gs direct you to credit card payment points it just doesn't matter to the programme maker what model is being obscured by them.Or how totally fucking boring she is.
21-01-2012 17:31
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eccles Offline
custodes qui custodiet

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Post: #94
RE: Call it a day
As far as I know the channels have never publically expressed an opinion about current regulations, with one exception. They have been asked to comment here. Im not counting restrained replies to consultations about rule changes.

One theory is that they are scared of retribution.

As for pay as you view, laws already in place allow Ofcom to regulate that. Give it a few years and that will be as tame as TV shows are now.

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21-01-2012 23:19
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ExtremelyCritical Away

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Post: #95
RE: Call it a day
(21-01-2012 17:31 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote:  What matters is if they make money or not, After all that is what they do it for. So for my way of thinking we will be stuck with this dross for a long time to come.

Yep, so you should do what I am others are doing and search for other methods of pleasure, it isn't hard, if the channels really care they would say something about it, but it doesn't benefit them at all, if all the channels were to fold tomorrow, all you would have "and not a single fuck was given that day" we are only a minority which is why Ofcom can use 'bully' tactics to there hearts content.
(This post was last modified: 22-01-2012 03:18 by ExtremelyCritical.)
22-01-2012 03:15
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eccles Offline
custodes qui custodiet

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Post: #96
RE: Call it a day
(21-01-2012 17:31 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote:  I may have missed it, but have the channels ever given their views on the strict rules they have to adhere to?

Might interest you to know that the Participation TV Broadcasters Association (PTVBA) made its opinions known in the 2009 Broadcast Code review. Ofcom summarised "A number of respondents, including Channel 4, Box Television, Viacom, PTVBA, STV, Viasat, VLV, the Christian Broadcasting Council and the Children’s Commissioner for Wales welcomed or did not object to the proposed Rule 1.17." which stated "Material equivalent to the British Board of Film Classification (“BBFC”) R18-rating must not be broadcast at any time." (para 3.19). (copied from Financial Penalty for SEL post 51)

I would quote their exact words, but those dont seem to have been published.

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23-01-2012 02:45
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shan_123 Offline

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Post: #97
RE: Call it a day
(14-01-2012 17:29 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote:  Never did I think I would be making this post, but here I am making it. Is it not time that these programmes were put to bed? Every programme as a shelf life and I'm sorry to say that the Babechannels have reached theirs. Apart from a couple of new girls making appearances, It as to be said that the last few weeks have been dire. I have reached the end of my patience in waiting for an improvement. You think it might just have come when you see some of the new girls really taking it a little bit further than the established girls. But I'm afraid it doesn't last more than two appearances before they are glancing up in fear if the merest hint of a slip as occured. The programmes no longer justify being called "adult". No doubt lots of us will once again tune in tonight and see girls that were once very erotic just laying almost motionless on a bed shaking a phone for all their worth. You will also see naked girls with their legs stuck so firmly together they could double as mermaids. Every night the same fucking shite and it's about time they were scrapped. But why the fanboys keep digging deep into their pockets, then I am sure that the dross will continue.

I understand kind of agree with your points, the same routines occur every night and simply the girls dont make an effort, why these channels still have holly mcguire, rachel louise and ashley emma is beyond my understanding, they are all boring. Elite tv really needs to recruit more willing and dedicated girls for the night shows.
24-01-2012 12:54
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