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[non] RIP Forum Style

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Post: #91
RE: [non] RIP Forum Style
I haven't updated this for a couple of months. Things are going ok. I tried the thickening powder for a couple of weeks but it was never going to work. It even turned water into the consistency of golden syrup! So, as I suspected, I'll just take my chances staying healthy and hope that the droplets of stuff that drop down into my lungs don't cause an infection. The good news is that I haven't been choking so much since I started taking smaller mouthfuls and tucking my chin when I swallow - which isn't easy when I take over 20 tablets per day.

Also, I've finally started receiving the reduced dose of methotrexate [my injections] so we'll see if that has any affect on my speech, which my neurologist claims it should. I saw my rheumatologist recently and he apologised for giving me above the recommended dose of the stuff, so I decided not to punch him. Just hoping that the reduced dose doesn't make my joints intolerable. I've started going to physiotherapy again, to try to make my joints stronger. It's tough, especially on my knees which are really bad atm, but hopefully I'll stick with it this time. Apart from that, and a few continued motor-function issues, not a lot has changed.

Thanks again to anyone who has posted in this thread or sent me a PM. If I forget to say it elsewhere, have a good Xmas and a peaceful New Year - if you can remember it! Cheers.
03-12-2015 14:23
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Post: #92
RE: [non] RIP Forum Style
Update: I saw my neurologist on Wednesday and he's recommended I seek a second opinion for my dysarthria with a colleague of his up in Edinburgh, which will mean another 5-8 month wait. But it's not as if I'm going anywhere else so I might as well. My balance is pretty poor atm and I've fallen over several times since Xmas. Plus I've noticed an increase in my motor-function issues - or as my wife likes to say "I'm a clumsy fucker now!" I am banned from carrying drinks to our coffee table because I invariably spill them on the carpet. Speech therapy have basically told me that they can't do a lot more for me to improve my speech so they'll just check in with me every 4-6 months to see how I'm going.

As for my joints, the reduced dose of methotrexate was too much so in February I told the rheumatology department to increase it again, which hopefully should be kicking in soon - although it will mean an increase in the amount of times I puke on Thursdays & Fridays. Looking forward to it tbh. In a few months time, it will be 3 years since I first noticed my speech was off. Man, time flies when ... erm, never mind.
25-03-2016 23:54
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Post: #93
RE: [non] RIP Forum Style
I wanted to explain my post last month in the Sex Station, in pictures thread and update my condition atm.

As I said in the post, I have had to retire from making videos in the future. The motor function issues I have on the right-hand side of my body [especially my right hand] have meant that I no longer have the dexterity and speed required to make them. The only good news is that I have made many remakes and new videos over the last year or so. So you haven't heard the last of me yet! I just need a few more months off to sort out a few issues in my life and I will hopefully return to posting in certain threads. Unfortunately I won't be able to make any new ones, so the threads that don't have an updated re-upload list already in them will have to end, unless they find a cure for whatever the hell I've got!

As for me, I have a few challenges ahead of me. I am learning to write with my left hand because my right hand is almost completely useless. It's tricky to learn something new at this age but I'm confident I'll get it. I am also learning one-handed sign language, as well as teaching the basics to my family and friends so they can understand me. That will take me longer to master! I have had to stop walking into town because it is almost impossible to do now. I'll have to drive everywhere for the moment, until my wife passes her driving test and then she'll take over. I had a scary moment recently when my right leg wouldn't move when I walking into a room and I fell jaw first onto the hard back of our sofa and injured a few other places too. My speech is getting slower and slower as the months pass. I'm at the point where I can't string two words together any more. Not good. I'm seeing my neurologist next month to decide what to do. After three and a half years like this, it's getting a bit boring now!

If things go well, I'll return to posting at some point. If not, I'm sure you'll manage fine without me lol. Cheers, FS.
25-08-2016 14:43
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Post: #94
RE: [non] RIP Forum Style
I finally have a diagnosis, of sorts. According to the neurologist I saw in Edinburgh, I have a type of Parkinson's disease. The confusing part of that diagnosis is that I don't demonstrate the well-known symptom of Parkinson's disease - uncontrollable shaking. But looking down the list of symptoms of Parkinson's it does seem eerily similar to what I'm experiencing - speech/swallowing problems, restless leg syndrome, falls and dizziness, fatigue, pain and repeated sleep problems, as well as a few mental issues. Apparently I need a Dat Scan, which uses radioactive material (Dopamine) injected into the blood stream - but seeing as they haven't even scheduled it yet and my Edinburgh appointment took about a year to occur, I'm not expecting it to be anytime soon. Parkinson's is a non-fatal condition, but there are aspects of it (like susceptibility to infection, especially as I already inject Methotrexate on a weekly basis which supresses my ability to fight infection) that will be a concern to me.

As for a return to video posting on the forum, I must admit that I haven't even considered it yet. I will reassess my condition in a few months time and see whether it's likely.
09-02-2017 11:03
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #95
RE: [non] RIP Forum Style
Really sorry to hear that mate.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
09-02-2017 11:17
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hops1 Offline
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Post: #96
RE: [non] RIP Forum Style
Sorry to hear that pal. Try to stay strong and take strength from those around you.
09-02-2017 11:36
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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #97
RE: [non] RIP Forum Style
Hope things go well for you FS.

09-02-2017 13:00
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Doddle Offline
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Post: #98
RE: [non] RIP Forum Style
Oh dear. Well, hope some sort of relief is going to be feasible eventually. Good to hear from you. Keep fighting Smile

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
09-02-2017 13:41
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Clit Eastwood Offline
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Post: #99
RE: [non] RIP Forum Style
I felt it only right to nip in and leave a message here. Such tragic circumstances cannot go without my words of sympathy.
Such sad news to hear this fellow is suffering. As many here have wished you well, I share such sentiments and pray you keep strong.
27-02-2017 18:59
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lovebabes56 Offline
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Post: #100
RE: [non] RIP Forum Style
sharing the sentiments of those already posted we're all fighting with you mate and stay strong

27-02-2017 20:14
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