(28-06-2010 19:52 )lucent-x Wrote: (27-06-2010 22:43 )Censorship :-( Wrote: Predictable and contrived...
Sadly Top Gear has been going more and more in that direction for the past few series.
(27-06-2010 22:43 )Censorship :-( Wrote: ...but I found Jeremy's 'adventures' in the Reliant Robin utterly hilarious; then again, maybe I'm easily amused? 
But then again Predictable and contrived can be funny.
I thought it was a good start to the series, not a classic episode by any means, but a steady start.
Although they joked about Top Gear being more serious with less cocking about I actually think - and hope - it will be. If there's one thing that's driven me mad about Top Gear over the last few years it's the, at times, absurd setup and scripting of it. I don't mind it being scripted as long as it's natural. This is a show that won an Emmy for "best unscripted programme", which Clarkson couldn't be there to collect as he said he was 'busy writing the script for that week's show'.
I just want the natural chemistry and humour back between the lads, a shit load of expensive metal on show and more awesome cinematography and beautifully shot films from Producer/Genius Andy Wilman.
Just reading through this thread and thought I would add my 2 pennorth worth....
I worked for BMW for a few years and went on many "jollies" with the company which were always very good and well run .
One of these was a few months after the launch of the X3 and the discussion of Clarkson's dislike of the BMW brand particularly in light of his "trashing" of the X3 on the programme which resulted in dealers receiving order cancellations(happpened in the dealership I worked in)
At this particular event we had the head of marketing in our "syndicate" group and we talked to him about the X3 situation.Here's what he said(roughly it was about 6 years ago)
1-Clarkson contacts BMW before X3 launch and requests a free car for his wife to drive around in
2-BMW refuse "free" car but will offer him cost price terms on an X3 for his wife.
3-He refuses
4-X3 features on Top Gear Clarkson trashes it and puts it through a number of tests really only suited to dedicated 4X4s of which the X3 was never supposed to be.
5-Cancellations flood in
6-Marketing manager from BMW phones BBC and talks to Producer & Clarkson who state
"Top Gear is primarily an entertainment programme and should not be used by viewers to make buying decisions"
Interestingly Clarkson is the highest paid motoring journalist in the world and has in the past had "free" cars from Jaguar and Merc(Who says you can't be bought?)
In fairness Clarkson is very witty and writes excellent articles.Recently he has become less funny as he strives to be funnier both on screen and on the written page but there you go.
Another point during my time with BMW all dealerships were issued with a directive to refuse any requests from the programme "driven" for cars for tests are they caused a couple of thousand pounds damage to an M3 which they handed back without a word of apology.
I watch TG occasionally and though Capt Slow's trip to the volcano was one of the best features on the show for a longtime.Brilliant.
We all know the challenges are largely designed for Clarkson to win and that Hammond and May are really there as his stooges.In terestingly enough I was watching an old rerun on Dave a few weeks back and it was the show where James May made his debut.
Almost a completely different guy.Clearly he was told to "tone" it down as Clarkson was the star of the show as his whole delivery and attitude was very different to how he is now.Shame