DENNI TIGER TAYLA Wrote:Being an upfront and honest person i find this post cruel and some cases nasty
I'm also an upfront and honest person. Sometimes the truth hurts, sometimes it tickles. We are all entitled to our opinions though.
DENNI TIGER TAYLA Wrote:a few of these girls you commented on are good friends of mine and to read some of the comments i am quite discusted!!!
It's commendable that you are sticking up for your friends, but why did you say "a few"? Some not your friends and for why? Where is the love?
DENNI TIGER TAYLA Wrote:These girls are human like yourself and have feelings,(most think were sex robots) and to think your asking people on here for there opinions, are you sure your not just trying to get people to slag these girls off,
Again sometimes opinions are good and sometimes bad. Opinions are like assholes, we all have them but some stink more than others.
DENNI TIGER TAYLA Wrote:maybe if you thought about the fact most girls look at these comments you put they have then got to brave and do there job for you lot again
No one forces them to read the forum, criticism is part of life and if you look at it properly, the critism can be used to improve. You use the word "brave" too loosely for me. I think a soldier risking their life, giving there life for the freedom of others is brave. NOT a half naked girl having to shake her ass after reading a forum post!
DENNI TIGER TAYLA Wrote:fair enough if you have your fave girl to call, mention that but dont put nasty shitty comments like you have against each girls name,
It's called democracy and with the freedom of speech I have I choose to exercise it, much like yourself. The majority of my comments are kind and positive, you concentrated only on the negative. I wanted people, and still do, to suggest which girls were good, but with good comes the bad, roll with the punches sweetheart.
DENNI TIGER TAYLA Wrote:what was a nice friendly forum has i think been disrupted by a over opinionanted typical male, each girl has there own way and thats the beauty of the show, if we were all the same youd get bord,
"over opinionanted typical male"... Big opinion seeing that you know nothing about me. However, I won't try to silence your opinion like you have attempted to do so to me. I agree we all look for different things in life and that includes babeworld. Thats was the whole point of the post! I wanted others to agree AND disagree with me. Denni you can think of me badly if you so wish. The comments I made about you were good as far as I was concerned. I want a good healthy debate that give good and bad feedback.
DENNI TIGER TAYLA Wrote:o and as for my hair swinging, try having long natural hair like this and youd be swinging it aswell!!!!!!!
I have friends with long hair but dont walk around like they are in a shampoo advert all the time.
DENNI TIGER TAYLA Wrote:Fair enough the price of the call is taken into account, but what dnt turn you may turn another on, so i dnt see how you can make a list as such, its to peoples own taste and likings.
I agree with you. It IS expensive and each girl is different, some can cater to whatever the caller wants and some can't or won't. If they can they go on my 'To call' list and if they can't they go on my 'Not to call' list. I shared my list that's all.
So if anyone else has a list please share if you choose to, good or bad. You are entitled to your opinion.
(PS. Most the girls are on my 'To call' list and I've been positive about most)
Have a happy new year all!