RE: Top Games of 2010
For me, there have only been a couple of truly outstanding games released this year. I'm not sure if either of them will eventually be regarded as genuine classics, but they certainly filled in the time superbly.
Released in 2010
Red Dead Redemption - GTA: Wild West? Yes. Brilliant and engrossing all the same? Absolutely. It also has a far more engaging protagonist than its close cousin GTA IV, a surprisingly important element when you're spending sometimes 100+ hours in a character's company.
Heavy Rain - Quick time events have never been so entertaining and well used. For once a game that justifies the tag of "adult game", thanks to the intelligent writing, dark themes, utterly convincing voice acting and genuine emotional resonance. Too many games try to earn this tag cheaply by gratuitous use of gore and foul language, which can quicky get tiresome in anything but the very best games.
A personal list, of games released prior to 2010 but only played by me this year
Dragon Age: Origins - Western RPG? Count me in. Multiple storyline paths and endings? Great news. Superb voice acting? Always a nice bonus. Complicated romantic entanglements for your character? Sounds good to m- Wait, what? This game has problems, of course. The storyline is so clichéd it almost veers into hackneyed, the supposedly "realistic" feature of your party remaining covered in blood for some time after a battle is carried to silly extremes (I once won a skirmish by standing about 100 yards away and firing arrows and spells into walking tree. Afterwards, the party were - quite ridiculously - smothered head to toe in gore) and accusations of the game being too easy to complete are perfectly understandable. Despite all that, some genuinely witty dialogue, excellent writing and first rate voice acting combine to make this game compelling in the extreme. So compelling, in fact, that for the first time in my gaming life I found the romantic sub-plots to be something I cared about getting right, instead of something to get out of the way so I can get back to the action. Not an easy trick to pull off.
Brütal Legend - Hilarious mixture of arcade hack 'n' slash, with basic strategy elements and the odd bemani-esque moment thrown in. Beautifully designed, graphically pleasing - if not exactly ground breaking - and a first class soundtrack all combine with Jack Black's pitch perfect voice acting and some genuinely funny cameos to make for a game that makes up for in sheer fun what it lacks in depth or complexity.
Fallout 3 (inc. DLC's) - Engrossing. Absorbing. Compelling. Mesmerising. Hypnotic. All words which apply perfectly to Fallout 3. Everything about the game itself, the playing mechanics, the plot, the design, the depths of detail, the writing, the graphics, the soundtrack, the voice acting, all add up to a game that is as close to perfection as is humanly possible. If it wasn't for the many, many glitches and bugs - entirely too many of which turn out to be game breakers, requiring a restart from the last save, or from the very beginning in extreme circumstances - I'd gladly call this the greatest game of all time. As it is, it simply stands as the game that convinced me gaming is a hobby still worth pursuing.
Batman: Arkham Asylum - In this Batman game, you actually rely on detection skills (to as great a degree possible in a game of this nature), stealth and intimidation, instead of wading in fists and feet flying while throwing Bat-erangs at all and sundry (Although there's no shortage of hand to hand combat). This game is as close to playing as The Batman, the one that I know from the comics, as it's possible to get. This makes the comic book reader in me so deeply happy, you wouldn't believe it. Now I finally know what Star Wars fans were feeling when they get that strange look in their eyes as they talk about Star Wars: Force Unleashed.
P.S. I've got a copy of Fallout: New Vegas on the way, so there may yet be an addition to the list for this year, although I'm not building my hopes up too high. I've heard terrible things about glitching and bugs...
"You say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. I say that I tailor my jokes to the audience..."