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Brazilian babeshows.

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modelflat Offline
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Post: #11
Cool RE: Azaração Sexy - new name for Babestation Brasil
To temper the bad news that Azaracao is over and Gabi's moved on, here's one small bit of good news. A 58-minute video of the show has been uploaded on YouTube. If it stays online, it's the longest Azaracao Sexy video available, and it gives a good impression of what the show was like... a lot like Babestation Brasil! Full of energy and packed with cutie hotties you'd love to get their mouth around your difficult surname.

(No audio, unfortunately. Just bunda etc.)

programa azaração
Uploaded October 15, 2013, by Gustavo Guzentercio

22-01-2014 15:07
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Lux66 Offline
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Post: #12
RE: Azaração Sexy - new name for Babestation Brasil
(22-01-2014 14:47 )modelflat Wrote:  snip

Parece que a Gabi está com um programa novo no Canal Esporte Interativo, segundo ela, terá até mulheres nuas!

Gabriela Levinnt ‏@GabiLevinnt 6 h

Como prometido... Hoje tem estreia, programa novo no ar... Com brincadeiras sensuais e prêmios em dinheiro !.
It seems that Gabi has a new program on Channel Sports Interactive, she said, will have to naked women!

Gabriela @ Levinnt GabiLevinnt 6 h

As promised ... Today has debut new show on the air ... With dalliance and cash prizes!.
28-01-2014 05:10
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #13
RE: Azaração Sexy - new name for Babestation Brasil
(28-01-2014 05:10 )Lux66 Wrote:  It seems that Gabi has a new program on Channel Sports Interactive, she said, will have to naked women!

It's not thrilling news if the channel is subscription-only. The Esporte Interativo website blocks access to any videos and tells you to pay a monthly subscription.

Gabi has also been totally unclear on what the program title is. It's either Caderno de Esportes (00:00 BRT) or Playing at Home laugh Jogando em Casa (01:00 BRT).

Hopefully some surreptitious videos of this show will emerge. The channel seems to be widely available in Brazil, as Gabi has posted a list of how to watch the channel, Esporte Interativo - but as I said, it seems it's not available to watch without paying a subscription.

Here are Gabi's Facebook posts with the news:
[Image: Untitled1.png]

[Image: Untitled2.png]
[Image: Untitled3.png]

[Image: Untitled4.png]

(This post was last modified: 29-01-2014 04:41 by modelflat.)
29-01-2014 03:23
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #14
RE: Azaração Sexy - new name for Babestation Brasil
This is a video of a topless photoshoot Gabi Levinnt did on the Globo website
(click CONCORDO to access)

[Image: Untitled5.jpg]

29-01-2014 03:45
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #15
Exclamation RE: Azaração Sexy - new name for Babestation Brasil
The plot gets thickerer - Gabi answered some questions from a fan on Twitter

Quote:Fábio M. de Medeiros ‏@kbrall
@GabiLevinnt legal ter vc no nosso canal. Vc esta apresentando aonde agora?
nice to have u on our channel. Where are you presenting now?

Gabi: @kbrall querido estou apresentando em sp ! Programa chamado Conect do sensual club ! Está ao vivo agora com a minha amiga !
I loved performing in sp! [Sao Paulo?] Program is called Conect by sensual club! Is now live with my girlfriend!

Fabio: eu sei. Esse é nosso sinal da parabólica. No nosso sinal digital é outra programação. Mas a audiencia de vcs é boa por aqui.
I know. This is our sign of dish. In our digital signal is other programming. But the audience is good for you guys here.

Gabi: eu entro as 01:00 hrs hoje tem surpresa no programa !
I come today to 01:00 hrs in the program have surprised!

So, if Gabi is right and the Esporte Interativo schedule is wrong, the program's called ... Conect?

29-01-2014 04:01
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #16
RE: Azaração Sexy - new name for Babestation Brasil
So, this new show with Gabi Levinnt is called Connect, produced by Sensual Club, a Brazilian erotic/hookup website that looks very raunchy - it's surprising when Gabi said last year she wanted to leave behind the "sex symbol" image she'd gained with Babestation Brasil.

Lucky for us, she's totally gone in a sexier hotter direction with this show.

Pity we can't watch it as it's on a pay TV channel. I'll update you if I find a free stream.

It doesn't sound like there'll be much more nudity than Babestation Brasil or Azaracao - the producers describe using the old curtain silhouette to avoid actually showing a naked girl. From the Sensual Club website:


por Aninha
Alô, Aninha na área!

[PHOTO of a naked Hague Schultz]
Hague Schultz

Se você acompanha o Sensual Club na televisão, viu que Érica Vieira, nossa divina apresentadora, falou de novos projetos e surpresas para este ano. Pois bem, chegou a hora de falar do primeiro deles!

À meia-noite desta terça-feira, dia 28, fique ligado no Esporte Interativo para a maior novidade desde que o Sensual Club saltou dos celulares para a sua TV.

Estou falando do SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT, o programa que vai fazer você babar com mulheres lindíssimas e também lhe dar prêmios sensacionais!

Como é?

É isso mesmo que você está lendo, meu querido. O SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT é um programa no qual o telespectador interage através de jogos e brincadeiras para ganhar prêmios. Mas vai ser algo bem diferente, ousado e divertido.

O SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT será ao vivo e apresentado por uma das novas estrelas do clube mais gostoso do Brasil, Hague Schultz, e terá duas convidadas por noite, para tirar a roupa especialmente para você, quando a temperatura do Termômetro Sensual atingir o nível necessário!

O programa terá ainda duas gatas misteriosas, uma em cada hora. Elas dançarão nuas e terão suas curvas projetadas em forma de sombra em uma tela, criando um clima bem sensual e delicioso. Para descobrir quem é, você terá que enviar um SMS para baixar um strip exclusivo dela em seu celular!

E mais: você participa por telefone e, além de fazer as modelos convidadas tirarem a roupa ao vivo, poderá ainda ganhar um superprêmio em dinheiro – não é demais?!

E o melhor é que isso é só o começo!

Anote em sua agenda: SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT, hoje, da meia-noite até às 3:00 da manhã, no Esporte Interativo! E, a partir de amanhã, de 1:00 às 3:00, logo após o programa Sensual Club, com Érica Vieira.

Não perca por nada, você vai pirar!

Beijos <3

Trusty Google translation:

Quote:Hello, nests in the area!


If you follow the sexy Club on television, saw that Erica Vieira, our divine presenter spoke of new projects and surprises for this year. Well, it's time to talk about the first one!

At midnight on Tuesday, the 28th, stay tuned to Sports Interactive to the biggest news since the sexy Club jumped mobiles for your TV.

I'm talking about SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT , the program that will make you drool with beautiful women and also give you exciting prizes!


That's what you're reading, my dear. The SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT is a program in which the viewer interacts through games and play to win prizes. But it will be something quite different, daring and fun.

The SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT will be live and presented by one of the new stars of the hottest club in Brazil, Schultz Hague , and will have two guest per night, to take my clothes especially for you, when the temperature of the thermometer Sensual achieve the necessary level!

The program will be two mysterious cats, one every hour. They dance naked and have her curves projected in shadow form on a screen, creating a very sensual and delightful climate. To find out who is, you will need to send an SMS to download an exclusive strip of it on your phone!

What's more, you participate by phone and in addition to the models invited to take her clothes live, you can still win a superprêmio cash - not too!

And the best part is that this is just the beginning!

Make a note in your diary: SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT today midnight until 3:00 am , the Sports Interactive! And starting tomorrow, from 1:00 to 3:00, right after the sexy Club program with Erica Vieira.

Do not miss for anything, you will freak out!


I can't find out anything about the presenter, Hague Schultz, except for some stuff on the Sensual Club site. She is an attractive woman, although her name makes her sound like a male Swiss professor.

(This post was last modified: 29-01-2014 04:23 by modelflat.)
29-01-2014 04:04
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #17
RE: Azaração Sexy - new name for Babestation Brasil
Oh shit, they are showing boobs! And naked bums. YouTube has a soon-to-be-deleted video from the Sensual Club Connect show. It was uploaded 4 days ago, it's a 16-minute video, from what I presume was a longer show (1 or 2 hours).

Wow, it looks a lot like Babestation Brasil or Azaracao, with a slightly higher budget, and with tacky quizzes and games thrown in...

But the other girl on the stripper pole is seen getting totally naked in this show.

So, Connect is a step up from the 2013 shows. However, Gabi keeps her clothes on in this clip - I can't imagine Gabi having big objections to doing nudity, but she did say she no longer wanted to be a sex symbol while continuing to be a glamor model Huh Doesn't add up. Gabi also puts the other girl's panties between her teeth after they've been stripped off...

(Edit) Now I notice the big problem.... none of the girls are on phones! Viewers are encouraged to ring in and solve the puzzles... This show misses the point of babeshows almost entirely. Nice boobs and ass tho.

Screen caps from that show, Connect, January 25? 2014:
[Image: Untitled1.png] [Image: Untitled2.png] [Image: Untitled3.png] [Image: Untitled4.png] [Image: Untitled5.png] [Image: Untitled6.png]

(This post was last modified: 29-01-2014 04:51 by modelflat.)
29-01-2014 04:39
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #18
RE: Brazilian babeshows.
Thanks to Terence for changing this thread's name as I requested.

Sensual Club Connect may be a new show, but the company Sensual Club has been running late-night programs on the pay TV channel Esporte Interativo since 2012, or maybe earlier... It's hard to tell when it's so sprawling and badly-organized (and they must delete pirated vids to protect their revenue).

Sensual Club's very first blog post (April 3, 2012) mentions that they had a show on Esporte Interativo then. There's a video page here, only previews, but they give the impression of a show with pre-filmed softcore lesbian scenes.

And that same studio has been used for a while. On Érika Vieira's Facebook photos page she's posted a bunch from the Sensual Club studio since July 2013 - see

Zannardi posted a video of Érika Vieira, one of the hosts, in that studio in February 2013:

Erica Vieira Sensual club by Zannardi

Also, a highly deletable YouTube vid for those who want to know more about Érika Vieira's magnificent bunda (ass). She's the best webcam star in the world, says Zannardi. (membership required)

(This post was last modified: 30-01-2014 09:54 by modelflat.)
30-01-2014 00:55
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #19
Cool RE: Brazilian babeshows.
Another soon-to-be-deleted YouTube video, with Erika Vieira stripping topless and showing her breasts, in a similar-looking studio to the current Connect studio...

(Small due to low video quality)

The clip appears to be from the show on December 23, 2011. Maybe shown live, as prerecorded clips would surely have more hyperactive editing? The title Sensual Club/Reveillon doesn't bring up anything else on Google.

The clip title is SensualClub Reveillon 20111223 Erica04 04, uploaded on October 21, 2013 by joao edilmar.

There's no more word about the new show Sensual Club Connect, except this blog post -

Quote:SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT – Você vai adorar!

por Aninha
[Image: Untitled_sensualclub.jpg]

O SENSUAL CLUB não para de inovar!

O mais novo programa adulto da televisão brasileira já está no ar: o SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT!

Todas os dias, depois do programa Sensual Club, que vai ao ar à meia-noite no canal Esporte Interativo, começa o SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT, exatamente a uma hora da manhã!

O novo programa está bombando em audiência e você vai babar com mulheres lindíssimas e também com prêmios sensacionais! E tudo AO VIVO!


O SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT é um programa no qual o telespectador interage através de jogos e brincadeiras que dão direito a prêmios. É o primeiro programa adulto ao vivo da televisão brasileira, diferente, ousado e divertido.

O SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT é apresentado por uma das novas estrelas do clube mais gostoso do Brasil, Hague Schultz, e outras apresentadoras, e tem duas convidadas por noite. Uma delas tira a roupa para você, quando a temperatura do Termômetro Sensual atingir o nível crítico!

A outra convidada dançará nua dentro de uma cabine, na qual suas curvas serão projetadas numa tela em forma de sombra, criando um clima bem sensual e delicioso. Para descobrir quem é, você tem que enviar um SMS para baixar um strip exclusivo dela em seu celular!

E mais: você pode participar ao vivo pelo telefone e, além de ajudar a despir uma das meninas, pode ganhar prêmios, acertando a palavra oculta.

Para entender melhor essa novidade, não deixe de ligar sua TV no Esporte Interativo todas as noites no HORÁRIO do SENSUAL CLUB, ou seja, da meia-noite às três da manhã. Você vai vibrar com a sensualidade dos nossos programas, além de participar ao vivo e poder ganhar muitos prêmios.

Anote na sua agenda e nada de dormir cedo, ok?

Um superbeijo <3


Dodgy Translation & Co Wrote:SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT - You'll love it!

by Aninha
[Image: Untitled_sensualclub.jpg]

The SENSUAL CLUB not innovating!

The newest adult Brazilian television program is already on air: SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT!

Every day, after the Sensual Club program, which airs at midnight on Sport Channel Interactive, get SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT, exactly 1 in the morning!

The new program's out in the audience and you will drool with beautiful women and also with exciting prizes! And all LIVE!


The SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT is a program in which the viewer interacts through games and jokes that pay awards. It is the first adult live program on Brazilian television, different, edgy and fun.

The SENSUAL CLUB CONNECT is presented by one of the new stars of the hottest club in Brazil, Schultz Hague, and other presenters, and has two guest per night. One takes off her clothes for you, when the temperature of the Sexy Thermometer reaches the critical level!

The other guest dances naked in a booth in which her curves will be projected on a screen in shadow, creating a very sensual and delightful climate. To find out who is, you have to send an SMS to download an exclusive strip by her on your phone!

Plus, you can participate live by phone and in addition to helping to undress one girl can win prizes by hitting the hidden word.

To better understand this news, be sure to attach your TV Esporte Interativo nightly in the SCHEDULE of SENSUAL CLUB, ie midnight to 3 in the morning. You will vibrate with the sensuality of our programs, and participate live and be able to win many awards.

Mark your calendar and don't go to sleep early, OK?

A super kiss <3


Learning Portuguese from this program has taught me that Portuguese-speakers aren't just borrowing the same English word


Its Portuguese meaning is something closer to


So if you say "sensual" everyone knows you're talking about sex, instead of merely suspecting it.

03-02-2014 02:12
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ILoveGeri Offline
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Post: #20
RE: Brazilian babeshows.
I'm still not clear on what channel this may be shown.
I found a working (low-res, but does work) stream for Esporte Interactivo, and I recorded last 2 nights from 01:00 to 08:00 UK time, but it was all just sport stuff.

For those that want it, the stream can be got via:-

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -W "" -p "" -v -o "EsporteInteractive.flv"

Does any kind soul know exactly what channel this sexy show is on?

"Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame." - the War Doctor
04-02-2014 21:46
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