Notice of changes to Chatbox moderation team
Hello folks. Thanks to events in my personal life taking an unexpected turn, I'll no longer be able to allocate the forum, or the Chatbox, the time it deserves. Because of this, I've resigned from the Chatbox moderating team with immediate effect and I'm no longer a part of the Forum Team in any capacity.
I'm posting this thread for two reasons, firstly to inform all users that there's a small change in the Forum Team structure, but more importantly to thank everyone who has used or moderated the Chatbox with any kind of regularity. Thank you all very, very much. I've enjoyed my time moderating the forum generally and the Chat specifically, a great deal in my time on the team and the reason for that has always been the people I've interacted with. The list of people who've used the Chat regularly, in the past or present, is much too long for me to thank everyone individually for the enjoyment I've had from my time moderating the Chat, so please don't be offended when I limit my thanks to the people who gave up their time to help maintain such a vibrant and fun place to hang around and talk bollocks.
Thank you (in chronological order) Shandy, Karl, Kalel76, SxciiSooky, Mike, Bladewave, Chipster and tsurugi. While some people may be cynical enough to think there's a dig in that thank you, please know that it's genuine. While things may not have ended on the best of terms with a few of those mentioned, things weren't always that way and my thanks for the laughs, chat and help we gave each other while things were good is heartfelt and sincere. Thank you also to the long list of regulars both past and present, without whom there'd have been no actual Chat to moderate and you've all made my time on the team more enjoyable.
Please continue to use and enjoy the Chatbox, and I hope you all get as much pleasure from it as I have.
Mister Gummidge.
* Please note that this isn't a goodbye to the forum at large, I'm not leaving the site or anything. It's exactly what it says it is, information and thanks.
"You say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. I say that I tailor my jokes to the audience..."