Actress Malese Jow has joined the cast of "The Flash" she will be playing Linda Park, in the comics she was the love interest and wife of the modern age Flash Wally West.
"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
When he jokes about the name Bartholomew its in reference in the comics to his grand son from the future Bartholomew Henry Allen II but he shortens it to Bart Allen how becomes Impulse, then later on becomes Kid Flash .
"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
I'm recording the pilot that's on sky1 at 8 as im out at the moment. Ill watch it tomorrow and see if I can match the Easter eggs I get with the ones you post
The inner monologue that Barry says about being the fastest man alive is the same line word for word that Wally West used to say at the start of his Flash comics.
Every news coverage in The Flash and even in Arrow features Channel 52 which features as a back up feature of every DC Comic.
Big Belly Burger makes a appearance in the show first featured in Arrow of season more so in the first season.
The reporter on scene on the screen just before Barrys accident is Linda Park who was the girlfriend and the wife of the modern day Flash Wally West, the character will be making a appearance again in the series but is being recast from the actress that played her in the pilot.
The newspaper clippings of Barrys father being arrested the story is written by Evan Gibson,’ who is actually a Star City TV reporter introduced in the New 52 reboot of “Green Arrow.”
The place where Iris works Jitters a coffee chain is taken from the Flash 52 reboot comic.
When Barry goes into slo-mo at the coffee shop is taken from the 1956 original comic story where the exactly the same thing happens frame for frame.
the laundry van Barry runs into is called Gambi Cleaners its a nod to Paul Gambi a tailor in the original Flash comics who made all the costumes for the rogues and even made for himself.
Ferris Air makes a appearance again and actually appeared in the Arrow pilot, theres a Green Lantern connection as Ferris Air is run by Carol Ferris who is the boss and girlfriend of Hal Jordan aka Green Lantern in comics and all so in the movies.
In “The Flash #190 (1969) Barry learns how to diffuse a tornado is to get air moving just as fast in the opposite direction.
Cisco Ramon is wearing a Bazinga! t-shirt which in the big bang theory Sheldon Cooper is a massive fan of the flash and even dressed up like him.
John Wesley Shipp(Henry Allen)played the original Barry Allen in the CBS version of The Flash.
Detective Eddie Thawne name sounds a lot like Eobard Thawne aka The Reverse Flash.
Cisco Ramon is Vibe in the comics.
Caitlin Snow is Killer Frost in the comics.
The broken cage at S.T.A.R Labs says GRODD, Gorilla Grodd in the comics a villain of both Barry Allen and Wally West in the comics.
In the comics there were two Weather Wizard's who were both brothers and is hinted in the pilot at Mardon having a brother.
The yellow blur in lighting when Barry's mother is married "The Reverse Flash" the same in how it played out in the comics from the story "Flashpoint" a graphic and also a DC animated movie only available on region 1.
When Iris West (Candice Patton) arrives at Barry’s lab and informs him that she is ready to escort him to the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator debut – or, in her words, that she’s ready to “see this atom-smasher…smashing” this a nod to Albert Rothstein a.k.a. Atom Smasher a character in DC Comics.
Dr. Harrison Wells is in a wheel chair similar to a DC character called Hunter Zolomon another Reverse Flash but different.
The future newspaper mentions a crisis this could be the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" that happened in 1985 in the comics also if you can see the date and notice that his costume is totally different its a deeper red like in the comics and it looks like the suit is one piece also the Flash symbol and is different and yellow with a white circle just like the comic version of it.
"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.