Foggy Mainwaring
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RE: People that Perturb me.
Sunday went out for a walk with Mrs Foggy.
Driving home along an A road, I see this chap standing in the gutter with his back to the traffic picking up conkers.
Two things went through my mind;
First he is so stupid and doesn't realize how much danger he is in.
It's not a wide A road, and a large vehicle could easily catch him.
Second he is just an arrogant arse who thinks traffic will just go round him.
I said to the wife, it's a pity we aren't going that way, I would have slowed down, wife could have opened her window and give him a shove.
Listen men, he who controls Walmington - On - Sea controls England.
23-10-2018 19:43 |
Foggy Mainwaring
Senior Poster
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RE: People that Perturb me.
Autumn is here, leaves are falling off the trees, and the nobs are out with their leaf blowers.
Watched one bloke, on a slightly windy day, blow all the leaves away from his footpath to the edge of the pavement, a gust of wind blows 'em all back.
So Mr Nob does it again only for the same thing to happen.
I don't know how many times this occurred, because I thought what a total twit you are as I went past.
Rake 'em up man, bend down and pick 'em up and put 'em into a pile either for the green bin, or for mulching.
Some people are just so bone flippin idle.
I thought these leaf blowers had a suction capability as well, but I suppose that entails Mr Nob, emptying it.
Some people are just so bone flippin idle.
Listen men, he who controls Walmington - On - Sea controls England.
23-10-2018 19:53 |
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RE: People that Perturb me.
Yeah I saw that as well. No idea who he was though, not an MP, but not half as perturbing or annoying than that other supercilious berk Jacob Rees-Mogg (man of the people? hardly!) People like DJs or MCs who insist on wanting you to "MAKE SOME NOISE!"
Some out and out bastard disturbing your early Sunday evening by suddenly letting off fireworks weeks before they are allowed to (this happened last Sunday round here-only two big bangs but enough to scare the shit out of you at 6.20pm!)
LIVERPOOL-Champions League & UEFA Super Cup AND
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So long, farewell, auf weidersehn, goodbye, adieu, syonara, ha su chin and CHEERIO!
26-10-2018 01:30 |
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RE: People that Perturb me.
Oh yes well this year Diwali/Deepavali is Nov 7th-12th this year but now you can expect something at Hallowe'en especially if its a weekend(which this year it isn't as well as Bonfire Night) Still don't like it, never liked it since I was kid. My Dad took me to a New Year's Eve display when I was young to try and cure me-didn't work things got too loud and I screamed the place down. I just put on headphones and listen to music. Thank god Chanukah(the Jewish festival of light) is a lot quieter) Eid was ages ago and both versions don't have fireworks incidentally.
LIVERPOOL-Champions League & UEFA Super Cup AND
Club World Cup Winners 2019-YNWA!
So long, farewell, auf weidersehn, goodbye, adieu, syonara, ha su chin and CHEERIO!
26-10-2018 16:33 |