(11-04-2020 02:05 )seducedx6 Wrote: (06-04-2020 21:33 )seducedx6 Wrote: Is/are there no thread/s for Mariah Glen?!
As 66 aren't likely to be in the 'Studio', for the foreseeable future. Meaning that, to some degree, the demarcation between daytime and night-time, is less pertinent. I wasn't sure where to look!
So I looked everywhere dedicated to 66, including the fan zone!
From before the virus hiatus, it did occur to me, that as some tv presenters, were appearing increasingly, on webcam, rather than in the studio, that it would have been resourceful, for 66 to have invested in a number of high-quality webcams, for presenters to use, when necessary.
Obviously, less economical, when all presenters are on webcam. However, they would have been useful, still, for those with lesser quality webcams.
Notwithstanding, there might be other issues, including production, or problems beyond the control of anyone associated with 66, such as web traffic, that are affecting quality.
Whatever the night's lineup, on any channel, the current situation makes for patchy nights, at best.
On 66, the choice online, is between very, variable quality, cam streams. Minus some women who have made no appearances, since the studio closed.
What can be seen on tv ("Freeview"), is still more limited.
Whilst on the channels still using their studios: mostly the same several women, are appearing from the studios, with BS only occasionally showing a cam stream on tv ("Freeview"), but, so far, not XP, where again, some women have made no appearances, since (before) the lockdown.
It remains to be seen, when this situation eventually concludes, who will be where, if anywhere, and which studios are still on tv.
As the lockdown is "easing", and all three operators/service providers, are using their studios again. I would like to follow those two posts from April.
But, I'll do that, more fully, another time soon.
For the moment, whatever has happened on Sky, on "Freeview", in the last few days, 66 has added a second channel!?
Overnight, it showed the same woman. Hence, Grace was on early, on both, then up to around 04:00, Preeti was on both, and replaced by Kimmy, on both!?
(I did remark, recently, in the Asian Babes thread, on the apparent shortage of names!?)
However, on BS, recently reduced to two "Freeview" channels, there were a few occasions overnight, when the same woman was on both. But that was seemingly when there was a changeover, and meant viewers were spared, minutes of trailers and promos.
(There is still, also the 24-hour, IPTV channel. But I've yet to see it. As my current tv, and YouView, aren't compatible. Ditto, XP's IPTV channel.
Although, there was no problem seeing Now 90s, and then, Now 70s, on YouView. The first of which, was on IPTV, exclusively, most of, if not all, hours of the day. Whereas, when Now 70s replaced it, around Xmas, it was on IPTV, exclusively, no more than 10 hours a day.
Sadly, Now 70s left "Freeview", last week. I miss it, much more than I did, Now 90s. As the 70s channel, had a much wider range of music. Plus, more of the footage, and some of the music, were less over/familiar. (I was still in junior school, when the 70s ended.)
The fact that Now compilations didn't exist then, is probably crucial, to the breadth of what appears.
But, Now 80s is still on. That's a pivotal decade for me.
However, I still miss, defunct Vintage TV, after two years.
Please, excuse my straying, somewhat, off-topic.)
I still have a couple of recordings, from mid-July, and early August, last year, when 66's onscreen graphic, with phone info etc, was considerably smaller. That was obviously a passing aberration, alas!
I don't know, why none of the channels, don't just have the whole picture in a box, with the graphics, and info, in a border. I'm certainly aware that BS did that in the past.
Back on XP's defunct forum, several years ago, I did detail my criticisms, of the visual presentation, of all the channels. (That wasn't why I was eventually banned! I did mention the reason, in a long post, on the 'Black girls on the channels' thread.)
I still have screenshots of those posts, but they're on another device, from which I can't transfer, currently. I hope to be able to do that, before too long. As most of what I said then, is still pertinent, alas!