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Ofcom Discussion

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munch1917 Offline
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Post: #2931
RE: Ofcom Discussion
Bear in mind as well that this move would do nothing whatsoever to protect Johnny and Jemima from all the porn that is available on free websites like the tube sites etc.

Once again perhaps this is an answer to the wrong question, perhaps we should really be asking where are the parents while the little ones are watching this porn!

"I'm a featherless bird ... in a sky so absurd"

Sophia - Becky - Mica - Camilla - Ella
22-09-2013 10:13
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mr mystery Away
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Post: #2932
RE: Ofcom Discussion
Ofcom's Latest broadcast bulletin came out today issue number 238 and dated 23/09/2013 .

I haven't gone through it all yet but one "in breach" ruling grabbed my attention, Playboy TV Chat have been found "in breach" for a incident that took place on the 29/05/2013 between the hours of 00:00 and 00:30 .
Iv'e just had a quick look through Ofcom's description of the incident and it looks like it was Dannii Harwoods behind the door routine .
Ofcom go into their usual ramblings about the content exceeding generally excepted standards and could cause wide spread offence and all that bollocks and found them in breach .

Playboy didn't get a fine but were summoned to Ofcom towers to discuses it's compliance arrangements, Playboy say they have sacked the producer in charge of the show .

Ofcom were made aware of the incident by a complaint not through routine monitoring by themselves, Ofcom don't say it was by a member of the public either, they just say they received a complaint .

Life is short . Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile .
(This post was last modified: 23-09-2013 12:53 by mr mystery.)
23-09-2013 12:49
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jimmyt73 Offline
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Post: #2933
RE: Ofcom Discussion
I must say im slightly surprised at the decision to find Playboy in breach of so-called generally accepted standards as this was not the first time she had been filmed from behind the door,just how offended can one person be is another question entirely bearing in mind the channel is part of an adult section of the epg,i mean its not as if the channels either side of it are for kids or 24 hour news is it,also i cant help but wonder if scene had been shown as part of a film or drama whether it would have been found in breach.

im always open to positive change
(This post was last modified: 23-09-2013 17:34 by jimmyt73.)
23-09-2013 17:32
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #2934
RE: Ofcom Discussion
Fucking depressing, ofcom have single handily wrecked the adult shows. The decline is just going to keep going. Also what a disgrace that Playboy TV felt the need to fire the producer in question, just what kind of message does this send out other than using him or her as a scapegoat rather than having the balls to argue their point across to ofcom.

This channel has now joined the hall of shame with its other competitors at Studio66. So much for adult entertainment, expect more of the same from the shit that was served up last night now all the life has more or less been sucked out of the shows too shit scared to tell ofcom where to go. So what are we left with now, overcautious producers. Great bladewave
(This post was last modified: 23-09-2013 18:11 by Scottishbloke.)
23-09-2013 18:11
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mr mystery Away
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Post: #2935
RE: Ofcom Discussion
Iv'e just been having a further look at Ofcom's wording in Playboy TV Chats in breach ruling, there's to much to post in full, but this is a bit of what they say .
Ofcom say something about a presenter was shown at times with the top half of her body naked and the lower half hidden behind a door giving the impression that she was having sex with a unseen partner. Apparently it was something to do with simulating sex acts that broke the rules .
The licencee (Playboy) argued that "the level of nudity was very low and somewhat tamer than the standard miming of sex acts in adult chat broadcast advertising" . I think PB were talking about the sex acts shown in the free to air adverts for the encrypted channesl but not sure.
Anyway Ofcom say that "they noted the licencee's argument that the level of nudity was very low, However Ofcom say that in their view the intention of the producer and presenter was to give the impression to the viewers that the presenter was involved in real sex acts which was clearly at odds with the guidance" .

Ofcom go on to say (exact quote) " In Ofcom's view the broadcast of this material in adult chat advertising content was likely to cause serious widespread offence against generally accepted moral or cultural standards"

How the fuck do Ofcom come to the decision that what was shown by Playboy TV Chat after 12am in a specialist adult section clearly labelled and given a 18 cert in the EPG will cause serious widespread offence against generally accepted moral and cultural standards is beyond me, you can see far harder content on regular non adult channels, so how come Ofcom think people will be seriously offended if they see it broadcast on a adult channel but not on a regular channel ? .

Life is short . Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile .
(This post was last modified: 23-09-2013 19:01 by mr mystery.)
23-09-2013 18:45
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Nice Cannes Offline
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Post: #2936
RE: Ofcom Discussion
As Thatcher might have said, we have become a...fghanistan. It can only be a matter of time before the girls are required to wear niqabs.

(23-09-2013 12:49 )mr mystery Wrote:  Ofcom were made aware of the incident by a complaint not through routine monitoring by themselves, Ofcom don't say it was by a member of the public either, they just say they received a complaint .

The indefinite article is instructive. Single-source evidence seems to be a feature of the state these days. Send in the libertarians pronto.
23-09-2013 19:08
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hatessexistofcom Offline
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Post: #2937
RE: Ofcom Discussion
(23-09-2013 18:45 )mr mystery Wrote:  Iv'e just been having a further look at Ofcom's wording in Playboy TV Chats in breach ruling, there's to much to post in full, but this is a bit of what they say .
Ofcom say something about a presenter was shown at times with the top half of her body naked and the lower half hidden behind a door giving the impression that she was having sex with a unseen partner. Apparently it was something to do with simulating sex acts that broke the rules .
The licencee (Playboy) argued that "the level of nudity was very low and somewhat tamer than the standard miming of sex acts in adult chat broadcast advertising" . I think PB were talking about the sex acts shown in the free to air adverts for the encrypted channesl but not sure.
Anyway Ofcom say that "they noted the licencee's argument that the level of nudity was very low, However Ofcom say that in their view the intention of the producer and presenter was to give the impression to the viewers that the presenter was involved in real sex acts which was clearly at odds with the guidance" .

Ofcom go on to say (exact quote) " In Ofcom's view the broadcast of this material in adult chat advertising content was likely to cause serious widespread offence against generally accepted moral or cultural standards"

How the fuck do Ofcom come to the decision that what was shown by Playboy TV Chat after 12am in a specialist adult section clearly labelled and given a 18 cert in the EPG will cause serious widespread offence against generally accepted moral and cultural standards is beyond me, you can see far harder content on regular non adult channels, so how come Ofcom think people will be seriously offended if they see it broadcast on a adult channel but not on a regular channel ? .

Got to reply as I so agree with your post,also Ofcom say they never watch programmes or anything beforehand SO WHAT ARE THEY DOING MONITORING THE BABE CHANNELS THEN,thats sinister and yet another bloody hyprocrital thing Ofcom do.
24-09-2013 01:19
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eccles Offline
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Post: #2938
RE: Ofcom Discussion
(22-09-2013 10:13 )munch1917 Wrote:  Bear in mind as well that this move would do nothing whatsoever to protect Johnny and Jemima from all the porn that is available on free websites like the tube sites etc.

Once again perhaps this is an answer to the wrong question, perhaps we should really be asking where are the parents while the little ones are watching this porn!

I really am coming round to the view that this is nothing to do with protecting kids. If it was Cameron would take the professional advice given and focus on sex education instead of taking a less effective approach and trying to ban things, which is widely said to be ineffective. Instead it seems to be a desperate act of an ex PR consultant trying to ensure his die core voters turn out in enough numbers at the next election to ensure he wins the election, or at least gets to lead another coalition.

What are the biggest risks for kids? Wanking - number dead NIL. Inner city gangs - weekly deaths. Drugs - deaths and debilitating mental illness. Loan sharks. Joy riding. Suicide from bullying. Under age drinking. Fundamentalist religion.

How many gang members, drug dealers and loan sharks have been banned from associating with kids, hanging out near schools, and been banned from the banking system regardless of whether they have actually been found guilty of a crime? ZERO

How many cars have been fitted with mandatory proof of age controls or finger print readers? ZERO

How many notorious bullying websites and phone companies that facilitate sexting have been fined or banned from the banking system? One?

How many off licences, pubs, supermarkets and brewers have been prosecuted for sales of super strength super cheap larger to teens? ZERO?

How many technically legal extremist religious figures have had their finances cut off? NIL

The other really odd thing is that David Cameron, who leads a party supposedly in favour of personal responsibility, freedom from state interference and privacy in ones own castle, is pushing for banks to block payment to sites with some free porn, despite also pushing for mandatory porn filters, and adult content already being blocked from mobile phones unless proof of age is given.

Is he saying his porn filters will not work, before they have even been put in place?

Gone fishing
(This post was last modified: 25-09-2013 01:16 by eccles.)
25-09-2013 01:15
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eccles Offline
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Post: #2939
RE: Ofcom Discussion
Regarding the Playboy Ofcom finding, Ofcom are clearly illiterate and Playboy do not seem to have the balls to challenge them this time.

The guidance says "Advertisements must not cause serious or widespread offence against generally accepted moral, social or cultural standards."

Note the absence of phases like "potential to cause".

There is no evidence that serious offence has occurred, and no evidence that widespread offence occurred, so the rule has not been broken.

It is also bullshit to say the offence only occurred once, exactly the same scene was broadcast regularly and must have been prerecorded. It may have been done to allow the presenter to have a break. I am not sure, but the OSGs might even have changed to avoid saying that callers could chat live to the presenter on screen.

So either Ofcom are gullible twats (hmmm) or it is a cosy little compromise between the regulator and broadcaster.

As for it being strong material, it was tame suggestive material, nothing more. I have seen stronger in American TV series shown at 9 or 10pm like Banshee and Dexter. Game of Thrones and Spartacus might be similar strength. Though sadly Buffy never came near.

Gone fishing
25-09-2013 01:29
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eccles Offline
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Post: #2940
RE: Ofcom Discussion
One last one, honest.

"David Blunkett warns of dangers of online pornography" - its Labour Party conference time - "Former Home Secretary David Blunkett has called for internet providers to block pornography, warning against a descent into "Sodom and Gomorrah". ... Civilised society risked being undermined by "the most bestial activities", he warned." BBC

So says David Blunkett, former Home Secretary and the man who had a 3 year affair with a newly married woman and fathered a child while she was still married. Later he had the second child DNA tested (it was not his). Controversy around a number of matters arising from the affair, particularly concerns over the handling of the visa of Quinn's nanny, contributed to Blunkett's resignation in mid-December 2004. Wikipedia

This is the man giving out moral advice? No thanks.

Gone fishing
25-09-2013 02:04
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