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Brazilian babeshows.

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modelflat Offline
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Post: #21
RE: Brazilian babeshows.
(04-02-2014 21:46 )ILoveGeri Wrote:  I'm still not clear on what channel this may be shown.
I found a working (low-res, but does work) stream for Esporte Interactivo, and I recorded last 2 nights from 01:00 to 08:00 UK time, but it was all just sport stuff.

For those that want it, the stream can be got via:-

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -W "" -p "" -v -o "EsporteInteractive.flv"

Does any kind soul know exactly what channel this sexy show is on?

Thanks for your work in trying to find the stream ILG...

Gabi and the Sensual Club blog both say that the program Sensual Club Connect is being broadcast on the sports channel Esporte Interativo (EI). Neither of those sources have mentioned the sister channels, EI Plus or EI Nordeste, so I don't think it's them. Before Gabi's appearance on Connect last week, on Facebook she posted lots of info for how to receive EI on VHF/UHF aerial or cable providers - see here, there and here.

It's meant to be on 12-3am BRT, or 2-5am GMT. This is the only currently available schedule for EI, and it doesn't mention Connect among its late-night shows. I've not seen a schedule that mentions Connect at all...

Maybe EI is broadcasting Connect only on TV and not on the internet?
Maybe EI is embarrassed to be showing Connect because of the bad reputation of Babestation Brasil? (It was seen as trash TV by some... some losers)
Maybe Connect has already ended as swiftly as it began, a bit like Babestation Brasil and Azaracao Sexy before it.

Personally I'm just waiting for off-air recordings from Brazil to appear online. But suspiciously, there's only been one video from Connect so far: the one from January 25 on YouTube (boooooobs! bundaaaaaaa! delete this filth)

(This post was last modified: 05-02-2014 00:18 by modelflat.)
05-02-2014 00:12
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JuanKerr Offline

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Post: #22
RE: Brazilian babeshows.
I'd view with caution if I were you lot. Half of these presenters will probably have penises, like our friends over on Asian Babes.
05-02-2014 02:54
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #23
RE: Brazilian babeshows.
bladewave Ummm... wow, JK... that seems like a bit of a stretch to shoehorn some penises into the topic.

Do you have any evidence/clues that Brazilian babeshows have been employing trans presenters, or is it just, "yeah, Brazil = Thailand I guess"?

05-02-2014 11:07
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jorrell Offline
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Post: #24
RE: Brazilian babeshows.
Is there any information as to where Sensual Club Connect can be viewed via satellite? Which sat position is it and ill try check if i can find anything as i have a 1.2m Motorised System
05-02-2014 18:18
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JuanKerr Offline

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Post: #25
RE: Brazilian babeshows.
(05-02-2014 11:07 )modelflat Wrote:  Do you have any evidence/clues that Brazilian babeshows have been employing trans presenters, or is it just, "yeah, Brazil = Thailand I guess"?

Only that, like Thailand, Brazil has a very big transgender scene.
05-02-2014 20:04
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jorrell Offline
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Post: #26
RE: Brazilian babeshows.
im afraid there no chance of picking up this channel whatsoever as its on Esporte Interactivo which ive found lies at both 65.0W & 70.0W on the Star One C1 & c2 satellites for North America.

I have also ascertained that it is NOT shown on any of the streaming channels from even with a subscription and using a Brazil IP address! Ive Tried!!

If anyone knows where to receive this channel please let us all know!
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2014 03:26 by jorrell.)
05-02-2014 20:13
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Lux66 Offline
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Post: #27
RE: Brazilian babeshows.
Infelizmente só assiste esse programa quem tem antena parabólica, ele não passa em nenhum canal UHF/VHF, TV a cabo ou satélite.

A esperança é que alguém que tenha antena parabólica, grave o programa e coloque o download para nós.

Já tentei em vários sites o streaming, mas não tem jeito.
09-02-2014 04:53
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #28
Cool RE: Brazilian babeshows.
Thanks for all your efforts in looking for this show. Sadly it looks like we're going to be left with whatever shows up on YouTube or Dailymotion. DEAR BRAZILIANS, PLEASE RECORD AND UPLOAD THE SENSUAL CLUB SHOW PLZZZ! Preferably on Dailymotion, it's less prudish than Youtube.

I do like Érika Vieira (nicknamed Erikinha), who I think is still on Sensual Club's shows now. Here's her hosting an old Sensual Club TV show in June 2011, and on a thing called Dreamcam (TV or web?) in 2011... 20 minutes of her talking and flirting in a sexy voice. No idea what she's saying like. Smile

Gabi Levinnt made another appearance on the show last night (Sensual Club Connect). She put this message and pic on Facebook:

Prontinha para entrar ao vivo !
Não percam hoje as 01:00 no canal Esporte Interativo.
Conect do Sensual Club
#tv #aovivo #apresentadora #sexy #hot #kiss

All ready to go live! Do not miss today 01:00 Interactive Sports channel. Connect by Sensual Club # tv # aovivo # presenter # sexy # hot # kiss

[Image: 1653729_10202881446895203_293211542_n.jpg]

(05-02-2014 20:04 )JuanKerr Wrote:  Only that, like Thailand, Brazil has a very big transgender scene.

That's your evidence? I thought you'd have at least a picture of Gabi with a bulge in her pants or something.

Well, it's interesting to read about, but none of the Brazilian babeshows I know about (Babestation Brazil/Azaracao/Connect) have played up the ladyboy aspect so far. (It's not so easy to if the shows don't show genitals.) They're all fairly 'mainstream' shows, the equivalent to Babestation in the UK. Do you think trans women are mainstream enough in Brazil for a show like that? Or would there only be a niche for them in Brazil, like there is for Asian Babes in that pervy country of, um, Britain.

Unless these ladyboys of whom you speak have got nice round asses, I doubt the average Brazilian male will be interested (I know this cos I asked a Brazilian male. Well, I think he was a male).

(This post was last modified: 10-02-2014 02:20 by modelflat.)
09-02-2014 09:16
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Fernandez Esperenda Offline

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Post: #29
RE: Brazilian babeshows.
(09-02-2014 04:53 )Lux66 Wrote:  Infelizmente só assiste esse programa quem tem antena parabólica, ele não passa em nenhum canal UHF/VHF, TV a cabo ou satélite.

A esperança é que alguém que tenha antena parabólica, grave o programa e coloque o download para nós.

Já tentei em vários sites o streaming, mas não tem jeito.

Você precisa olhar com mais atenção ...

FCP mais que um clube*Super Dragoes*
(This post was last modified: 10-02-2014 01:59 by Fernandez Esperenda.)
10-02-2014 01:55
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #30
Cool RE: Brazilian babeshows.
(10-02-2014 01:55 )Fernandez Esperenda Wrote:

I can confirm that this stream works for Esporte Interativo, beneath the hellish Brazilian popup adverts.

But as ILoveGeri said, it probably won't show Sensual Club Connect for some reason. The program's sources say it's on at midnight BRT every night... but it's not marked on the schedule for the next 5 days. On terrestrial/satellite perhaps?

However, if you like football, you may like this channel.

(This post was last modified: 10-02-2014 02:41 by modelflat.)
10-02-2014 02:40
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