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Elite TV/Studio66: Complete Daily Schedules (Reference Only)

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Wazo Away
Mr Daniels

Posts: 7,095
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Post: #311
RE: Elite TV: Schedule (Reference Only)
Revised Schedule :-

Friday 17th June

Morning - Emma Spellar,Sophia Lares
Daytime - Becky Roberts,Cara Brett,Fernanda
Nighttime - Ashley Emma,Charlie O'Neal,Dionne Daniels,Lori Buckby,Sophia Knight

10-06-2011 13:29
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Rael 74 Away
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Post: #312
RE: Elite TV: Schedule (Reference Only)
Final Schedules :-

Thursday 9th June

Morning - Emma Spellar & Hannah Martin
Daytime - Fernanda Ferrari, Kitty Lea, Sophia Lares (7 - 9) & Vicky Thomas
Nighttime - Adele Taylor, Ashley Emma, Charlie O'Neal, Sophia Knight & Sophia Lares

Friday 10th June

Morning - Anya & Kitty Lea
Daytime - Emma Spellar, Gemma Hiles & Sammi-Jo
Nighttime - Ashley Emma, Caty Cole, Dionne Daniels, Lori Buckby & Sophia Knight

Saturday 11th June

Morning - Brandy Brewer, Naomi Raine & Sammi-Jo
Daytime - Becky Roberts, Gemma Hiles & Vicky Thomas
Nighttime - Caty Cole, Charlie O'Neal, Dionne Daniels, Lori Buckby & Sophia Knight

Monday 13th June

Morning - Cara Brett & Lucy-Anne
Daytime - Emma Spellar, Sophia Lares & Vicky Thomas
Nighttime - Adele Taylor, Dionne Daniels, Lori Buckby & Paige Green

Becky's websites...
13-06-2011 21:22
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Mellow Offline
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Post: #313
RE: Elite TV: Schedule (Reference Only)
Revised Schedule :-

Thursday 16th June

Morning - Lucy-Anne, Melissa D
Daytime - Brandy Brewer, Cara Brett, Emma Spellar
Nighttime - Adele Taylor, Danica, Dionne Daniels, Rachel Louise, Sophia Knight
14-06-2011 17:28
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Wazo Away
Mr Daniels

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Post: #314
RE: Elite TV: Schedule (Reference Only)
Revised Schedule :-

Tuesday 21st June

Morning - Hannah Martin
Daytime - Cara Brett,Fernanda,Gemma Hiles
Nighttime - Adele,Alice,Paige Green,Sophia Knight

(This post was last modified: 15-06-2011 13:16 by Wazo.)
15-06-2011 13:16
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Rael 74 Away
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Post: #315
RE: Elite TV: Schedule (Reference Only)
Final Schedules :-

Tuesday 14th June

Morning - Brandy Brewer & Hannah Martin
Daytime - Cara Brett, Fernanda Ferrari & Kitty Lea
Nighttime - Dionne Daniels, Paige Green, Rachel Louise & Sophia Knight

Thursday 16th June

Morning - Becky Roberts & Lucy-Anne
Daytime - Brandy Brewer, Cara Brett & Fernanda Ferrari
Nighttime - Adele Taylor, Danica, Dionne Daniels & Rachel Louise

Friday 17th June

Morning - Sophia Lares
Daytime - Cara Brett, Emma Spellar & Larissa Summers
Nighttime - Ashley Emma, Charlie O'Neal, Dionne Daniels & Lori Buckby

Saturday 18th June

Morning - Cara Brett & Vicky Thomas
Daytime - Lucy-Anne, Sammi-Jo & Sophia Lares
Nighttime - Ashley Emma, Caty Cole, Charlie O'Neal, Lori Buckby & Sophia Lares

Becky's websites...
(This post was last modified: 18-06-2011 21:08 by Rael 74.)
18-06-2011 21:07
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Rael 74 Away
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Post: #316
RE: Elite TV: Schedule (Reference Only)
Final Schedules :-

Sunday 19th June

Morning - Fernanda Ferrari, Naomi Raine & Sammi-Jo
Daytime - Becky Roberts, Emma Spellar & Vicky Thomas
Nighttime - Adele Taylor, Mica Martinez & Rachel Louise

Monday 20th June

Morning - Cara Brett
Daytime - Becky Roberts, Hannah Martin & Vicky Thomas
Nighttime - Charlie O'Neal, Lori Buckby, Paige Green & Rachel Louise

Tuesday 21st June

Morning - Hannah Martin & Vicky Thomas
Daytime - Cara Brett, Emma Spellar & Fernanda Ferrari
Nighttime - Adele Taylor, Ashley Emma, Paige Green & Rachel Louise

Wednesday 22nd June

Morning - Larissa Summers & Sophia Lares
Daytime - Becky Roberts, Emma Spellar & Gemma Hiles
Nighttime - Adele Taylor, Ashley Emma, Dionne Daniels, Rachel Louise & Sophia Knight

Thursday 23rd June

Morning - Cara Brett & Lucy-Anne
Daytime - Fernanda Ferrari, Sophia Lares & Vicky Thomas
Nighttime - Becky Roberts, Charlie O'Neal, Danica, Mica Martinez &Sophia Knight

Friday 24th June

Morning - Emma Spellar & Sammi-Jo
Daytime - Hannah Martin, Gemma Hiles & Kitty Lea
Nighttime - Ashley Emma, Caty Cole, Dionne Daniels, Sophia Knight & Sophia Lares

Becky's websites...
24-06-2011 20:14
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operoc25 Offline
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Post: #317
RE: Elite TV: Schedule (Reference Only)
This schedual is subject to change over the next few days.

Saturday 25th June

Nighttime - Ashley Emma, Caty Cole, Charlie O'Neal and Dionne Daniels

Sunday 26th June

Morning - Hannah Martin and Sammi-Jo
Daytime - Emma Speller, Fernanda Ferrari and Gemma Hiles
Nighttime - Mica Martinez, Paige Green, Rachel Louise and Sophia Knight

Monday 27th June

Morning - Anya and Sammi-Jo
Daytime - Fernanda Ferrari, Sophia Lares and Vicki T
Nighttime - Caty Cole, Dionne Daniels, Mica Martinez and Sophia Knight

Tuesday 28th June

Morning - Hannah Martin and Lucy-Anne
Daytime - Becky Roberts, Cara Brett and Gemma Hiles
Nighttime - Adele Taylor, Ashley Emma, Paige Green and Rachel Louise

Wednesday 29th June

Morning - Gemma Hiles and Sammi-Jo
Daytime - Cara Brett, Emma Spellar, Kelly Bell and Vicky T
Nighttime - Caty Cole, Dionne Daniels, Kelly Bell and Paige Green

Thursday 30th June

Morning - Anya and Melissa D
Daytime - Becky Roberts, Kitty Lea and Vicky T
Nighttime - Charlie O'Neal, Danica, Dionne Daniels and Sophia Knight

Friday 1st July

Morning - Emma Spellar and Kitty Lea
Daytime - Gemma Hiles and Sophia Lares
Nighttime - Adele Taylor, Ashley Emma, Caty Cole and Rachel Louise

Saturday 2nd July

Morning - Becky Roberts and Sophia Lares
Daytime - Cara Brett and Hannah Martin
Nighttime - Ashley Emma, Caty Cole, Charlie O'Neal and Dionne Daniels

Sunday 3rd July

Morning - Cara Brett, Hannah Martin and Sophia Lares
Daytime- Emma Spellar, Gemma Hiles and Vicky T
Nighttime - Adele Taylor, Mica Martinez, Rachel Louise and Sophia Knight


I love Ashley, her eyes, ass and whole body. Ashley is a natural beauty.

The capping starts here
25-06-2011 18:04
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Rael 74 Away
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Posts: 4,882
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Post: #318
RE: Elite TV: Schedule (Reference Only)
Final Schedules :-

Saturday 25th June

Morning - Becky Roberts, Kitty Lea & Lucy-Anne
Daytime - Hannah Martin, Sammi-Jo & Vicky Thomas
Nighttime - Ashley Emma, Caty Cole, Charlie O'Neal & Dionne Daniels

Sunday 26th June

Morning - Hannah Martin, Sophia Jolie (Debut) & Vicky Thomas
Daytime - Fernanda Ferrari & Gemma Hiles
Nighttime - Charlie O'Neal, Rachel Louise & Sophia Knight

Becky's websites...
(This post was last modified: 26-06-2011 22:16 by Rael 74.)
26-06-2011 22:15
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Wazo Away
Mr Daniels

Posts: 7,095
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Reputation: 136
Post: #319
RE: Elite TV: Schedule (Reference Only)
Monday 4th July

Morning - Sammi-Jo
Daytime - Emma Spellar,Fernanda,Vicky T
Nighttime - Ashley Emma,Mica Martinez,Rachel Louise,Sophia Lares

Tuesday 5th July

Morning - Emma Spellar
Daytime - Becky Roberts,Cara Brett,Gemma Hiles
Nighttime - Alice,Charlie O'Neal,Sophia Knight

Wednesday 6th July

Morning - Gemma Hiles
Daytime - Kitty Lea,Melissa D,Sophia Lares
Nighttime - Adele,Ashley Emma,Caty Cole,Charlie O'Neal

Thursday 7th July

Morning - Becky Roberts,Melissa D
Daytime - Gemma Hiles,Sophia Lares,Vicky T
Nighttime - Adele,Alice,Rachel Louise,Sophia Knight

Friday 8th July

Morning - Lucy-Anne,Sammi-Jo
Daytime - Becky Roberts,Cara Brett,Emma Spellar
Nighttime - Ashley Emma,Caty Cole,Charlie O'Neal,Mica Martinez,Sophia Knight

Saturday 9th July

Morning - Cara Brett
Daytime - Lucy-Anne,Sammi-Jo,Vicky T
Nighttime - Alice,Ashley Emma,Caty Cole,Charlie O'Neal

Sunday 10th July

Morning - Sophia Lares,Sophie Jolie,Vicky T
Daytime - Fernanda,Gemma Hiles
Nighttime - Adele,Danica,Mica Martinez,Rachel Louise

Monday 11th July

Morning - Lucy-Anne,Sammi-Jo
Daytime - Becky Roberts,Sophia Lares,Vicky T
Nighttime - Ashley Emma,Charlie O'Neal,Rachel Louise

Tuesday 12th July

Morning - Hannah Martin
Daytime - Emma Spellar,Fernanda,Gemma Hiles
Nighttime - Adele,Alice,Caty Cole,Fernanda,Sophia Knight

Wednesday 13th July

Morning - Emma Spellar,Gemma Hiles
Daytime - Becky Roberts,Cara Brett,Sammi-Jo
Nighttime - Ashley Emma,Charlie O'Neal,Dionne Daniels,Mica Martinez,Sophia Lares

Thursday 14th July

Morning - Becky Roberts,Sammi-Jo
Daytime - Kitty Lea,Melissa D,Vicky T
Nighttime - Adele,Ashley Emma,Charlie O'Neal,Lori Buckby

Friday 15th July

Morning - Emma Spellar
Daytime - Fernanda,Gemma Hiles,Hannah Martin
Nighttime - Alice,Caty Cole,Dionne Daniels,Sophia Knight

Saturday 16th July

Morning - Cara Brett,Hannah Martin
Daytime - Danica,Emma Spellar,Vicky T
Nighttime - Becky Roberts,Caty Cole,Dionne Daniels,Lori Buckby,Mica Martinez

Sunday 17th July

Morning - Sophie Jolie,Vicky T
Daytime - Cara Brett,Gemma Hiles,Sammi-Jo
Nighttime - Adele,Lori Buckby,Mica Martinez,Sophia Knight

Monday 18th July

Morning - Lucy-Anne
Daytime - Fernanda,Gemma Hiles,Melissa D
Nighttime - Adele,Alice,Rachel Louise,Sophia Knight

Tuesday 19th July

Morning - Melissa D,Sammi-Jo
Daytime -Cara Brett,Vicky T
Nighttime - Caty Cole,Lori Buckby,Paige Green,Rachel Louise

Wednesday 20th July

Morning - Gemma Hiles
Daytime - Becky Roberts,Emma Spellar,Hannah Martin
Nighttime - Adele,Kitty Lea,Mica Martinez,Paige Green

Thursday 21st July

Morning - Becky Roberts,Hannah Martin
Daytime - Cara Brett,Vicky T
Nighttime - Lori Buckby,Rachel Louise,Sophia Knight

Friday 22nd July

Morning - Emma Spellar
Daytime - Gemma Hiles,Kitty Lea,Sammi-Jo
Nighttime - Alice,Caty Cole,Dionne Daniels,Lori Buckby

Saturday 23rd July

Morning - Cara Brett,Sophie Jolie
Daytime - Emma Spellar,Gemma Hiles
Nighttime - Ashley Emma,Caty Cole,Charlie O'Neal,Dionne Daniels,Rachel Louise

(This post was last modified: 01-07-2011 15:08 by Wazo.)
01-07-2011 12:47
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Wazo Away
Mr Daniels

Posts: 7,095
Joined: Aug 2008
Reputation: 136
Post: #320
RE: Elite TV: Schedule (Reference Only)
Sunday 24th July

Morning - Hannah Martin,Sammi-Jo
Daytime - Becky Roberts,Fernanda
Nighttime - Adele,Lori Buckby,Mica Martinez,Sophia Knight

Monday 25th July

Morning - Emma Spellar
Daytime - Cara Brett,Hannah Martin,Melissa D
Nighttime - Adele,Lori Buckby,Paige Green,Sophia Knight

Tuesday 26th July

Morning - Melissa D
Daytime - Danica,Kitty Lea,Vicky T
Nighttime - Alice,Ashley Emma,Dionne Daniels,Paige Green

Wednesday 27th July

Morning - Sammi-Jo
Daytime - Becky Roberts,Emma Spellar,Gemma Hiles
Nighttime - Caty Cole,Charlie O'Neal,Dionne Daniels,Rachel Louise

Thursday 28th July

Morning - Hannah Martin
Daytime - Fernanda,Vicky T
Nighttime - Adele,Caty Cole,Fernanda,Rachel Louise,Sophia Knight

Friday 29th July

Morning - Lucy-Anne
Daytime - Becky Roberts,Cara Brett,Gemma Hiles
Nighttime - Ashley Emma,Charlie O'Neal,Dionne Daniels,Lori Buckby,Mica Martinez

Saturday 30th July

Morning - Becky Roberts,Fernanda,Gemma Hiles
Daytime - Emma Spellar,Sammi-Jo,Vicky T
Nighttime - Alice,Ashley Emma,Caty Cole,Charlie O'Neal,Dionne Daniels

Sunday 31st July

Morning - Cara Brett,Hannah Martin,Sammi-Jo
Daytime - Fernanda,Gemma Hiles
Nighttime - Adele,Lori Buckby,Mica Martinez,Sophia Knight

05-07-2011 14:03
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