So let me try and understand this.
The Tories, who have been fighting like cats and dogs over Europe for decades end up having a referendum that their leader of the day assumed he would win on the remain side only to suffer an embarrassing defeat after a referendum campaign on both sides that was low on facts and education while being seemingly high on speculative bullshit and ridiculous scaremongering.
The leader resigns in humiliation to be followed by another leader who ends up calling a general election earlier than scheduled thereby completely disregarding the fixed term parliament principle of her predecessor.
This leader assumes she will increase her parliamentary majority in the face of a seemingly dysfunctional and disunited parliamentary opposition only to end up losing the slim majority she already had.
This compromises the Brexit negotiations and a raft of cabinet ministers including 2 Brexit secretaries and a Foreign Secretary resign seemingly in the wholly unrealistic desire for a hard Brexit for which only a small section of Tory MPs seem to be in favour and which would have next to no chance of getting through a Commons vote.
The leader tries to adopt a compromise Brexit in the hope of appeasing both wings of her political party only to find that neither wing like the deal and it becomes obvious that her deal would get voted down. The leader kicks the can down the road by delaying the Commons vote presumably in the hope that if it is left until 21st January enough MPs will give in and vote for the deal on the basis it might be considered better than no deal.
This triggers a leadership vote of no confidence that is admitted by some Tory MPs to be politically self indulgent during which the leader seems to indicate she will not serve a full term in any event as PM.
Meanwhile through all of this the main opposition party leadership set a series of 6 wholly and seemingly deliberately unrealistic tests on which they judge the proposed Brexit deal while their parliamentary party seem as divided on what sort of Brexit they want at least in part because a lot of them were Remainers and never wanted Brexit in the first place.
Seemingly a deliberate act of playing politics by the opposition front bench in a remorseless effort to vote down the government no matter what it does.
Another opposition party uses the Brexit process as an excuse to demand Scottish independence again when it had already been rejected once in another referendum riddled with disingenuous, disreputable campaigning by both sides and littered with bogus claim, counter claim and endless scaremongering.
Another opposition party (Lib Dems) seem obviously and wholeheartedly intent on delaying and scuppering any sort of Brexit in the hope of another referendum.
Parliament seemingly utterly divided on the issue of the day with it seems no hope of any sort of Brexit likely to receive Commons approval.
The EU refuse to budge meanwhile stating only the deal agreed is on the table with no alernative available.
The only thing uniting each of the two biggest parliamentary parties being a determination not to let the other either hold on to power on one side or gain it on the other.
The underlying fear being that even if a general election were held tomorrow it might result in another hung parliament with still no clear and united path on Brexit.

Is it any wonder faith in politicians is shot to pieces?