RE: All Elite Wrestling discussion Thread
my review of this weeks show
match 1 Matt Jackson vs. Rey Fenix
this was a really good and unexpected match, Matt shows hes far better wrestler than his brother and Ray show the solo skills that took him the the AAA mega title,
it was not the highflying match i was expecting both men showing some excellent mat wrestling JR was getting very excited by this different type of match,
it was both a good way to start the show and start the Bucks and Death Triangle feud,
8 out of 10
next a great promo from Eddie to get his street cred back talking about how he passed out due to his time in prison and getting flash backs, burning his hand to prove hes not scared was a nice touch
match 2 Cody Rhodes vs. Seth Gargas
the match was a quick squash, it only excised to set up a new and exciting rivalry something very important to do after a big PPV i look forward to Cody v Penta its not been done before and a lot of AEW fans will not have seen how good Penta is as a solo wrestler
5 out of 10 for match, 7 for the post match
next Sting did a promo that was interrupted by Archer who was acting heel dont get this why spend all that time turning him face and doing quite well as face why have him go heel as it didn't work last time
match 3 Ethan Page vs. Lee Johnson
i really liked Page as one half of the north they where the best tag team in the world last year i think after last night i am not sure how he will do solo, it was a solid match but not that exciting Lee didn't look as good as on dark, they should have let Page talk as its his strongest point, in the end the match ended up being more about Rhodes-Marshall sage thats happening over on dark, a poor debut for page
6 out of 10
next we got to see what hangman is spending all his money on, hes living the american dream as he now has a ride on lawnmower he was having lots of fun with the dark order so good to see the rebuild start to him becoming the number 1 babyface in aew
next was another promo but this one was a master class from the invisible hand he showed just why hes the best promo man in wrestling, he totally coved up the no exploding ring saying it was a plan from impact to make aew look shit and from Kenny to lol at all the aew marks, he ripped Eddy to peaces a lol moment was when he and Kenny did a 69 taking the piss out of Eddy when he covered Mox, at the end Eddy got his revenge as he beat the shit out of Kenny with Mox coming out to help after they had cleared the ring Christian came out and finished off Kenny and held the belt up so looks like hes the next to go after Kenny belt, it also set up Moxley/Kingston vs Good Brothers as a feud which i think could be good,
9 out of 10 loved this,
match 4 Six-Woman Tag Team Match
there is no hiding it that was a shambles it was a mess from beginning to end, the fact that the coms team where pissing them self lol at the mess of a start tells you it all, as it went on more spots where missed or messed up the only one who came out of this with any credit was Rosa as she did her best to hold it together in the end telling some of the other where they should be , she was a cut above , she really should be the champ not the very interesting Shida, i was let wondering how many fans actually got the Japanese girls gimmicks as it looks like aew just things all there fans watch japan wrestling they really dont aew need to tell there stories proper,
3 out of 10
match 5 TNT Championship Match: Scorpio Sky vs. Darby Allin
best match of the night, thats how you book a match its so simple when done right, both wrestles looked good they worked well together, Allin showed he can mat wrestle Sky looked the star he was back when tag champ,
it was good to see Sky protected in his loos as it was to a fluke roll-up and then earned all his heel heat back by attacking Allin and leaving him writhing in pain so simple why not do things like that more often,
i look forward to seeing there feud the TNT belt has not been defended since Lee lost it to Cody can see both men benefiting from working with each other on tv every week,
8 out of 10
main event was not a match but was The Inner Circle War Council
tis was great it started out looking like MJF was going to get found out at long last after Sami came back and showed Jericho a vid of max plotting against him and all the inner circle turned on him but just before he got his ass kicked the new Horseman a faction MJF has bulit ( FTR, Blanchard, Spears and Wardlow ) came out and destroyed the inner circle instantly becoming the number 1 heel faction in aew it looks like its turned the inner circle face as well as was said back at the start of the year Jericho wanted to go, its not often a bit of story telling works this well, this sets up the next two months of tv until the next ppv
9 out of 10
it was a funny week with more promo than matches and of the matches there where only 2 where good but the promo was excellent so i enjoyed the show, i liked that it set up lots of new stories
currently walking on the Sunny side of the street
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(This post was last modified: 13-03-2021 17:02 by winsaw.)