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Elite TV / Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion

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Robot Devil Offline
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Post: #4401
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
Sophia is still on the schedule for tonight so hopefully that'll hold up. That notion about many of Elite's roster not liking the forum anymore is probably valid. However, as you rightly pointed out, it could just be that some of the girls are dwelling on the few 'negative' posts instead of the positive ones; But they shouldn't expect anything else- it's a forum not an arse kissing site. There will be elements of shows that we, the customers, don't like, so why not say so ?

06-03-2011 15:22
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eagle_si Offline
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Post: #4402
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
(06-03-2011 15:02 )stueyboy Wrote:  I get the impression the Elite models do not like this forum anymore - perhaps the relatively few negative posts and hurtful comments have really put them off. This is a shame because the vast majority of things said here are positive, supportive and complimentary.

I don't think there were that many who posted regularly on here anyway. But yes, the negative comments DO put them off. Just before Christmas, I spoke to Sammie on GSL. She'd recently done her first Bang Babes night show, which was very well received, as were her Pad shows. I told her about the good reaction to her shows and asked her if she'd come back on here and say hello, and she still didn't want to, because it was "mostly negative". That simply wasn't the case, but it does show that the criticism (whether justified or not) sticks in the girls' minds. I don't think it's a coincidence that the girl who's posting here most often at the moment (from Elite) is Hannah Martin, as she's hardly had any negative stuff posted about her at all.

There again, a lot of the girls probably don't come on here simply because they don't have the time. They can also reach many more people via Facebook and Twitter, so maybe they feel it's not worth the effort to post here.

Favourite babes remaining: Hannah Martin, Abbey B, Clare Richards, Paige Green, Becky Roberts, Abbee Kimberly, Electra
06-03-2011 15:27
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bcl Offline
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Post: #4403
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
I think that the girls tend to notice the negative more than the positive, it sticks in the brain more. Half the Elite roster have recently been branded whores, so I am not surprised they are staying away at the moment. Some might pop back at a later time, others will stay away.
Plus as mentioned a lot of the girls use twitter and facebook more, it is simply easier to do, and just as i type Sophia has plugged her appearance on twitter!
(This post was last modified: 06-03-2011 15:40 by bcl.)
06-03-2011 15:38
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #4404
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
(06-03-2011 15:38 )bcl Wrote:  I think that the girls tend to notice the negative more than the positive, it sticks in the brain more. Half the Elite roster have recently been branded whores, so I am not surprised they are staying away at the moment. Some might pop back at a later time, others will stay away.
Plus as mentioned a lot of the girls use twitter and facebook more, it is simply easier to do, and just as i type Sophia has plugged her appearance on twitter!

negative comments do stick in the minds of the babes and can understand why they put the babes off coming on here regularly. but dont think the elite babes dont like the forum at all. Think its mainly becuse they are so busy with working at elite and their modelling outside elite they simply dont have the time to come on the forum. Jamie has said before that even though the elite babes dont post on the forum, they do come on and have a look.

also the elite babes and babeshow babes in general do tend to use facebook and twitter more as they can reach a lot of their fans very quickly than they can on here

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
06-03-2011 16:05
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Chilly Away
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Post: #4405
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
Yeah, best for the babes to stay away from this evil forum and stick to posting on Twitter or Facebook. Yep, by doing that they can then interact with guys who say how they're going to rape 'em, or those guys who enjoy pretending to be related to 'em. [Image: nuts2_112.gif]
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2011 01:30 by Chilly.)
06-03-2011 16:37
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chrislatimer Offline

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Post: #4406
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
If these girls cant take valid criticism (the whores thing i didnt see but if it was said was harsh) then are they not in the wrong line of work.

This forum is about the freedom to express opinion and if the elite girls cant handle that, then thats just to bad.

most of the time anyway girls only come on here when they wanna plug a website or appearance in a magazine anyway. its very few that actually come on to speak to the people who like them .

i notice jamie aint been on lately the criticism not getting to the staff as well is it .

(eagle spot on about hannah shes probably one of a only a few of the elite girls who doesnt get criticised for anything, thats cause she takes time to say hi, puts on good shows and clearly aint using this place for her own ends)
06-03-2011 17:12
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Webbiola Offline
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Post: #4407
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
Well I am extremely busy being an extreme sports champion, a cosmetic surgeon, running a £200m pa turnover engineering business and a busy family life but I still find the time to post on here. On average it takes me 37seconds to think of and then post this kind of shite.Wink

See Fernanda on how post on this forum and the reaction it garners.
06-03-2011 18:59
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elitetvonline Offline
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Post: #4408
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
Hi Lovers,

Thought I would pop on, say hello and attempt to answer some of the recent criticism. Shall we start there then?


I see a lot of you are not to happy that in our attempts to try and make some money (I know, how boring hey but sadly we too like all other businesses need to try and make a pound) we have filled the screen with some additional graphics (picture/video spins, girl caller etc).
Now as you may or may not be aware if you join you can in fact watch the shows graphic free!
I am all for putting on a show, entertaining etc but essentially we are a business.
If you intend on calling in, buying pictures/videos etc then the various OSG's are essential to this process. By intercating with the show you are contributing to the success and survival of our business. As some of you may have noticed we operate in a very tough market. High costs, very competitive and over regulated.
This means that we need to genreate significant revenues just to survive let alone turn a profit. We dont do this for fun or to hang around with gorgeous women (although this a perk of the job) we do it as a job to make money, to fund our lives!
"Work to Live not Live to Work" should always be they way to live!
If calling isn't for you and you just like to watch the show then watching on line is definitely the way forward.
We ask a very small fee for this privilege (£10 per month) and for your membership fee we throw in a significant amount of pictures and videos which we feel (and do object if you disagree) is a very fair price for what we offer on our site.

Now if you don't wish to do any of the former and simply wish to complain about how shit things are because the business is getting in the way of your pleasure I am afraid there isn't much I can offer in the way of sympathy or concern. However if as a consumer of any of our products you are unhappy with the service you have received (which I have seen some of you are) then simply pick up the phone and call our complaints line. Calls are answered within 48 hours and we do effectively deal with all genuine complaints in a fair and considered manner.

Believe me when I say I love this place, I love its open freedom of speech nature and have used the feedback contained within these threads to fine tune our business on numerous occasions. The bit that really frustrates me is the lack of understanding for the fact that we are a business operating in a highly competitive, over regulated market during a time of recession. The expectation that we should be able to put on an uncompliant sex show with tiny graphics using top quality girls and never make any real sales pitches is very unrealistic and a tad ignorant.

In terms of the quality of the shows I only need to look back at the Bang Babes thread to see how the applause for the explicit nature of the shows turned to the "its their own faults" etc etc when the shit hit the fan!

I appreciate all of your feedback and I even appreciate some of the negative comments but what would be nice is if sometimes you could all think about what it is we are trying to achieve as a business as well as a source of your late night entertainment.

Please do not be alarmed or offended if I do not react to your responses on this thread or others very often. It is not that I dont read them or do not value your opinions. It is quite simply that as a father of two children under 3 who is also running a fair sized business I dont have the time to respond with the detail and care that I think a response deserves.

I can assure you that we will continue to try and make Elite the best and most entertaining it can possibly be. However we will always need to do this while balancing the regulatory and financial restraints of the business.

Thanks for your time and ongoing support.

(This post was last modified: 06-03-2011 20:11 by elitetvonline.)
06-03-2011 19:58
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chrislatimer Offline

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Post: #4409
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
The call stacking which has been happening (including to myself) is a joke, and surely must border somewhere on illegality.

the main issues with the content has been its so stale and repetitive now considering that even a few months ago it was 6 times better at least (and ofcom cant be blamed for all of the demise in show quality)

Take the first 2 specials this week it came across as they were 2 very over produced shows and it looks poor to watch and thats what led to the bad feedback on them shows from some people (myself including)

But surely theres a way to reduce the frequency and size of the osgs on the tv screen, there very off putting and in some ways would put customers of calling, as a good portion of guys call to see the girl do what they tell them to do on tv and if theres graphics blocking half the screen whats the point.

And am gonna close on this as i dont want this post getting to long. Most of us do like elite and want u to succeed ans when your good you are best in your field really, but at the moment its not really firing on all cylinders.

A point made was that you treat it as a buisness , then maybe get rid of some of your friends who work for you, who are underperforming (not gonna name no names but its obvious who i mean) get new girls in and just freshen it up a bit .

06-03-2011 20:27
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Webbiola Offline
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Post: #4410
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
Thanks for taking the time to post Jamie. Mostly we are ordinary Joes making a living or trying to and the last thing we want to think about when we watch, phone in whatever is think about other people's daily grind and problems. It is very, very easy to post things with little thought or consideration, I've even done it myself a couple of times (I know, hard to believe) but the overwhelming majority of posts on here are positive, encouraging, sometimes funny, sometimes deliberately provocative, sometimes ridiculous, sometimes thoughtless, sometimes rude and some even worrying or scary. In other words pretty much what you would expect. Overall though I believe this forum has been a real benefit to Elite and the other babe channels in promoting the channels, the shows and the girls.

Yes we can be a tight bunch but we have a real enthusiasm and affection for what you and the babes you employ do each and every day...........entertain. We want Elite to be successful, we want to carry on getting our daily fix of the incredible roster of girls you now have and we want it to be fun, a fantasy and forget about spending cuts, job cuts, recessions and petrol prices. We all like to shape our own fantasies but you're right Jamie, if we want you to take us seriously and shape ours we need to make a contribution to make it worth your while and the babes.

If your stats tell you that all the whirring graphics result in more calls then fair enough but the reason I watch you 87.89% of the time is because your production values scream 'class' and a cut above the rest. Differentiation, added value, quality, all important characteristics in a recession but I take your point about the website (I still prefer Danica's bum on my 42" plasma though, I was going to say I would prefer her bum on, stop it). You've worked hard to develop your usp so keep the faith!

Best of luck with the family/business juggling Jamie and the very best of luck with Elite and long may it continue. I will make a small contribution to it's well being.Wink
(This post was last modified: 06-03-2011 20:50 by Webbiola.)
06-03-2011 20:42
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